November 30-2008:
Reverend Al Sharpton's Black Leadership Agenda?
I listened briefly to Rev. Al Sharpton's radio broadcast this morning. And was taken aback by his concern for the seeming lack of young Black advocates or leadership within our communities.
I was also concerned with the specificity of Black leadership and advocacy particularly, for the following reasons.
* I reside in New York City. And this city and state have millions of Latinos, Black Americans, Black Caribbean residents and citizens, Blacks of MIXED ethnicity, Asiatic ethnicity, and others too.
So what aspect of Black was he referring to specifically? And why target Black communities only in this Diaspora?
Then I realized that Rev. Al, like so many older Black American community advocates still cling to the era when the Civil Rights movement concentrated totally on Black Issues, and encouraged Blacks to get involved in the movement for change, legislatively, politically, and ethnically.
The current dynamics of ethnic diversity, ethnic concentrations, and ethnic plurality, have not been fully comprehended by several former Black American Civil Rights advocates, and Spiritual leaders.
Because if they truly understood the current national economic realities of this country the USA, then targeting any ethnic group for specific political deference, does not help pave the way for national unity, national self-reliance, and national values.
Which we all share, believe in, aspire to, and hopefully expect to be addressed by all of our political and spiritual representatives, on our behalf when elected or appointed!