Friday, October 31, 2008


October 31-2008:


It seems like a lot of Barack Obama's younger supporters are delaying to VOTE, or has not done so in most states currently.

If you FAIL to VOTE, you may suffer the consequences at the final count, only to discover that your preferred candidate has not won the election.

This is very important for all of you. Especially those millions of supporters for Barack. Most of whom have advocated and volunteered for his campaign, throughout the primaries and the final run after his nomination.

So if you FAIL to VOTE, vote early, and did not have the PATIENCE to stand in line for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE.

Then you would have wasted you time, money, energies, support, and hope, if at the end you failed to do what is expected of you, by VOTING!

This is A VERY SERIOUS time, and Election in the history of all Americans.

So DO NOT WASTE THIS PRECIOUS MOMENT with procrastination!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Could Sarah Palin Perform As VP In An Emergency?

October 29-2008:


John McCain was asked by Larry King of CNN the following:

If you were the president and was on Airforce-1 somewhere in the Pacific ocean, and there was an attack on the USA, what would you expect from your VP-Sarah Palin.

And he said she was confident that she was capable,and would perform as per her position.

This is the most ridiculous answer any potential presidential candidate could give!

In fact, should such a scenario occur, Air Force -1 is equipped with Internet or satellite conference call ability. So the president on route via that aircraft is in constant communication with The White House, The Pentagon (if necessary), and the Joint Chiefs Of Staff, should such a scenario occur.

How could John McCain not know or be aware of this presidential ability?


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Democracy Hijacked In New York City!

October 28-2008:

Democracy Hijacked In New York City!

Yes, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, now completing his second term in office. Now seeking a third term, with the City Council's permission, and defying two previous attempts by mayors before. This man who is very wealthy, won his mayoral candidacy by paying for his own campaign expenses from his own coffers, to the amount of one billion dollars (or something in that vicinity).

His reason for wanting to run for a third term (according to him), is to ensure that some un-finished policy plans are completed. This act to my mind is playing upon the current fears and circumstance that Wall Street and it's financial woes have brought upon this city's revenues. And Mr. Bloomberg, though popular in the polls for many things good about New York City, does not have a majority of New Yorkers in agreement with this contentious decision.

This precedent will be NOTED carefully, and alluded to in the future when Speaker Christine Quinn and her acolytes in the City Council decides to run for office in the future. And I hope that this autocratic decision does not come back to haunt all those who supported it, sometime in the future, when other mayors may want a third term, even if they have dreadfully failed New Yorkers while in office!


Friday, October 24, 2008

The Possibility Of A One Party State!

October 24-2008:

The Possibility Of A One Party Leadership!

At this rime, the polls, and consistencies nationally indicates, that their is a possibility for the democrats to have a majority in both the Senate and House.

Should this become a reality, there might be a possibility at last, for getting serious legislation passed without the usual filibustering hitherto seen.

However, having a majority have it's challenges too. Because some of the more senior democratic representatives, most of whom was not supportive of Barack Obama at the inception. But came on board when they saw that there was a possibility that he would win the primaries.

Some even after he did win the primaries, and got the nomination, have not accepted him as victor, and party leader. Thus causing his former rival Hillary Clinton to have to BEG her supporters not to allow personal choice to distract them from what matters right now.

And to get on board, so that the Democrats could deliver the long overdue and urgently needed medical care, employment opportunities, energy policies, foreign policy, ending the war in Iraq, and providing REAL leadership from Washington-DC.

Only time will tell if this presumption will be possible!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Allan Greenspan The Scapegoat For Political Ineptitude!

October 23-2008:

Allan Greenspan The Scapegoat For Political Ineptitude!

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Allan Greenspan told a congressional committee today that the current financial crisis was never seen or envisaged in this magnitude. Concerns were raised before by several individuals, and more often than not, these concerns were wrong.

He further stressed that he had access to the best and brightest to work with, but failed to realize that his ideology of letting the market or private business community operate as they see fitting, because they are responsible to their share holders, and would not knowingly operate carelessly.

But the current financial and international crisis validates this mis-conception of his. However, he said he was partially to blame for this collapse.

However, Allan Greenspan was a public servant, hired by the federal government to do a certain task. He does not have political clout or power to make decisions that would impact the national financial institutions, without permission to do so from the president.

Therefore, if adequate regulations were not put in place, or adequate oversight, and failed to notice or highlight any improprieties before they occurred. Then he is not solely to blame for this outcome now.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008





Santa Is Making Notes & Taking Names!



Monday, October 20, 2008

Barack Obama's Grandmother Has Taken ILL:

October 20-2008:


Barack Obama's Grandmother Has Fallen ILL:

Barack Obama's campaign has publicly declared that the senator's grandmother has taken ill suddenly. And that Barack will be suspending some of his appearances for two days hence, to visit with her in Hawaii.

Hopefully, he would return to the campaign trail by Friday or Saturday this weekend.

This new development of Barack's grandmother may be a surprise to many. But for those who have been following Barack's messages throughout the campaign prior to his nomination. Will remember his alluding to his relationship with her, from childhood throughout High School. her Tutelage, and ardent encouragement of him to study, and make good of his efforts to succeed.

I sincerely hope that this revelation is not dire, and that whatever is the ailment with his grandmother will be handled with the best of care, sensitivity by the media, and his political colleagues in the opposite camp.

And I am sure that the senator will be back on tract, as soon as he thinks it necessary to re-appear. Furthermore, I hope that the campaign will continue to 'mind the store' as if the senator was still aboard the ship.

Om Shanti.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is It SOCIALIST To Spread The National Wealth?

October 19-2008:


Is It Socialist To Spread The National Wealth?

The Filthy Rich have hitherto benefited handsomely from George W. Bush's hands off economic polices, for the business communities, investors, and the rich.

What Barack Obama is promising are the following:

* An increase in tax revenues from those earning above 250, 000 US dollars per year.

* And using those revenues to fund college preparatory education, healthcare reforms, equitable distribution and small business loans, and funding for some of his energy policies that would assist in creating millions of jobs for Americans right here on our shores.

Some call that SOCIALISM. But I call it making the necessary economic changes that are vitally necessary, to help the middle and lower class working communities, be able to earn a living wage, increase their ability to save, and plan for their children's future education.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Death Is Death Regardless Of The Cause!

Death Is Death Regardless Of The Cause:

Since HIV was discovered,
Thousands have died from immunity
breakdown, or the body's inability,
To fight back any virus that would do it harm.

HIV was able to wreck men, women,
children, grandmothers, and grand fathers,
No one was spared from this disease
as far as I know,

After coming into contact with this devil.
The fear, hate, consternation,
social stigma, and castration,

This virus brought upon us all,
will always bother those who are infected with HIV,
for as long as this virus is still around.

Some people are so afraid,
they are afraid to have sex of any kind.
Marriages are breaking up,
because one partner is too scared even to kiss,
much less have sexual intercourse.

Anytime you meet someone socially,
and try to get too close
or try to have some of that which we all love!

The fear that he or she will refuse you,
because he or she is afraid of HIV & AIDS.

Some even confuse the two categories,
and see both as one thing!
Some don't care which is which,

as long as it is HIV associated.

Negative and positive status

means little or nothing to either one,
because it takes only one

instance of sexual activity to change one's status.

And not having sex of any kind,
is contradictory to human nature and human procreation.

Sex for pleasure or sex for love,
or sex for children,
is something that every individual have to consider
whenever he or she gets sexually intimate for most of us humans now.

And I wonder how long can we operate under this umbrella of fear,
before we eventually decide to throw all caution to the wind!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Dementia & Erratic Behavior In The Republican Campaign:

October 13-2008:

Dementia & Erratic Behavior In The Republican Campaign:

Republicans have been having a difficult time ever since John McCain got the nomination, for the following reasons:

* John McCain is very ERRATIC, and seemingly demented:

* John McCain does not stick to any consistent agenda, and this hurts his message BIG TIME:

* John McCain talks about his Vietnam incarceration, his so-called heroism, and his term in Washington-DC as senator.

* Most Americans already know about these things, heard them umpteen times before, and gets turned off whenever uncle John, keeps alluding to those things to validate his qualification for the presidency.

And finally, John McCain and his VP Sarah Palin took to personal mud slinging, and the use of Terror and Fear tactics, to their supporters, and accused Barack Obama as the BOOGEY Man in the house, that all Americans must be afraid of.

And this latter position of his have clinched his seeming demise at the polls, and possibly the election in November.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Black American Conservative Radio Host & Hate Mail?

October 12-2008:

Black American Conservative Radio Host & Hate Mail:

Hello Don Lemon (CNN anchor):

In responce to your interview with the Black American Radio DJ, ( James T. Harris)
and his conservative views and association. Here are a few comments of mine.

I think the reasons why this fella is getting the hate mail that he claims to be getting, are for the following reasons.

* Black American voters have been voting for Democrats for as long as I can recall.

* Black Americans (in the main), have been Democrats also, for as long as I can recall:

* Black Americans never had a choice between a Person Of Color and a White person, to choose for the presidency. So we voted for the Democrat, because most of us share the democratic values traditionally shared by democrats across the board.

However, at this time Black Americans have another choice in Barack Obama, who happens to be a person of mixed ethnicity or Color. So naturally, most would want to support or vote for him, and be concerned why other Blacks, would not prefer to give him a chance to prove himself for the first time in history.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Racist Shout Outs At John McCain's Rallies!

October 11-2008:

Racist Shout Outs At John McCain's Rallies:

Sarah Palin Rep., has been saying publicly at the venues she was assigned, that Barack Obama started his campaign at a former known terrorist home. She also emphasized that Barack Obama knew who this person was, yet continued to befriend him, and call him friend and neighbor.

So Barack Obama MUST be made to account for his judgement.
This and other references of Barack's associates she leveled as terrorists, and people bent on killing Americans.

Therefore, when someone makes such allegations about another person, it feeds the flame of hate from those persons who were only waiting for someone to give them the reason, for expressing that hatred verbally and otherwise.

Because Sarah Palin continued to associate Barack Obama with terrorists deliberately, it could be deduced that she did so with the reason of fueling hatred for him, and what he is as a person, regardless of the fact that all of these accusations are untrue, unfair, and presumptuous.

I am amazed that Barack Obama would let his campaign make excuses for John McCain, when he allowed these allegations to continue, until it got out of control, and is now trying to catch the "Loose Cannon" from exploding and killing people.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

A Different Approach To How Government Works!

October 09-2008:

A Different Approach To How Government Works:

I believe that voting for Barack Obama would usher in a new face, an un-traditional face in Washington-DC, and a new a radically different approach to how politics and politicking in practiced
in Washington DC.

We have had for decades in the USA administrators from both parties, who have not delivered on their promises. But allowed partisan politics, corporate lobbyists, and others to influence decisions in the House and Senate. And blatantly ignoring their responsibility to the commonweal that elected them.

This can only change if all Americans desire to change the way decisions are made in Washington, by their elected officials. Because we cannot loose much in another four years, after having lost for decades already, with no end in sight.

The choice now is left to those who can think clearly, face the current realities, and resolve to move in another direction!


October 09-2008:

Capitalism Being Rescued By Socialist Policies?

There was a time in America when Socialism/Communism was considered a backward philosophy for progress, creativity, self reliance, and freedom.

Today however, Socialist ideas like Central Governance is being used by the same governments that are capitalist, to save their economies from financial disaster.

Vladimir Putin must be having a good laugh at this current crisis, to see how his once Evil empire's ideology is being implemented via the Central Government's intervention and control, of the financial markets.

How Ironic!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Barack Obama And John McCain's Debate Evaluation #2:

October 07-2008:

Barack Obama & John McCain's Debate Evaluation-2!
John McCain's Top three priorities:
* Healthcare
* Energy
Barack Obama's Top Priorities:
* Energy: 15 billion per year investment:
* Healthcare:
* Education:
Question asked from audience viewer:
Is Healthcare a commodity?
Definition: An article of commerce:
Neither Barack Obama or John McCain answered this question as per the definition outlined above:
Both Barack and John McCain tried to keep within the allotted time per answer. Unfortunately, this kind of time limitation does not help either one to fully answer or explain themselves on any issue.
However, Barack Obama was to my mind much more concise, answered the questions more directly, and held his ground, to John's continuous mis-information of some of the issues raised therein.
This Town Hall setting was the first for Barack Obama since the nomination. And he handled it very well to my mind.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Definition Of Refugee & Their Plight!

October 05-2008:

The Definition Of Refugee & Their Plight:

There are three types of refugees:

* Refugees that were exiled from their homeland due to some official edict or pogrom:

* Refugees that sought asylum from personal harm due to political beliefs, affiliations, religious practices, ethnic identity, and sexual preferences or identity:

* Refugees that became victims of natural phenomena like hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, wars, and earthquakes.

All of these peoples have something in common, and that is they need HELP. And they need it BADLY. Failing to recognize this reality have caused human atrocities around the world that overtime, has created a cancer that is becoming un-manageable and more difficult to deal with.

Cases like Darfur-Sudan, the Iraqis that fled to Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and elsewhere, because they feared for their lives and livelihood.

These people are scattered everywhere around the globe, making it extremely economically difficult for the host countries to provide for them adequately. Becoming the targets for sexual exploitation, slavery, extortion, and kidnapping. Those countries that have internal conflict in an ongoing basis, are more likely to have large numbers of their population flee to neighboring countries or states.

Thus creating an immigration crisis, that allows the host country's inhabitants to target these unlawful arrivals as the source of their troubles.

Remember the Zimbabweans and other nationals that fled to South Africa, created little enclaves for themselves, sought employment to provide for themselves, and eventually being beaten and killed when that country's economy, employment opportunities, and social services begun to sag under the financial weight of these new and illegal arrivals/refugees.


The United Nations have an agency that deal with this phenomena. But this agency is terribly under funded, under staffed, and does not have the military and political support it needs to address the needs of these peoples everywhere.

And some of the host countries that are recipients of these refugees take advantage of them in ways that contradicts their pledge to uphold the principles For Human Rights everywhere, to which they have agreed to uphold.


Friday, October 03, 2008

Was The Rush To Pass The Bailout Package Based On Fear Tactics?

October 03-2008:

Was The Rush To Pass The Bailout Bill Based On Fear Tactics?

I have watched for the past few days when George W. Bush made public the economic crisis facing this nation. Along with his Treasury Secretary, who took the liberty to further emphasize that unless some immediate action to allow billions of tax payer dollars into the system, to boost the flow of liquidity. Something sinister may happen to this economy, thus causing a total collapse of our economy, and possible the worlds.
This led to the passing of the new and improved Senate's version of this bill.

However, some Republicans and Democrats in the House did not fall for this hype, and held on to the view that they will not be party to any corporate "Big Wigs" bailout, at the expense of the tax payers, because they felt that this crisis was caused by the greed of some Brokers and Investors on Wall Street. In an un-regulated Free Market System which was allowed to have free rein for the longest time without some Federal regulations or oversight.

This led to an impasse, which led to another crisis of fear, propelling some SERIOUS compromises that allowed for the injection of PORK, or provisions that had nothing to do with the 700 billion allocation objectives. To the amount of 120 million dollars ( or something in that vicinity). Just to appease those disgruntled Republicans and Democrats in The House, to come on board and vote in favor of this Rescue Initiative.

Now I wonder if these political representatives in both houses, especially the presidential candidates really believe that the commonweal does not realize what truly happened in the House today?

Does our political representatives truly believe that the gravity of what is involved in this rescue package or initiative, is fully understood in DETAIL by most Americans?

I think not, and Heaven help all of these political representatives, should this money fail to even make any significant difference in the lives of ordinary, blue collar, minimum wage earners, and the middle class.

Most of whom have most to loose in this action, and nothing to gain in the near future of any significance.


The Joe Biden & Sarah Palin Debate Evaluation!

October 03-2008:
The Joe Biden & Sarah Palin Debate Evaluation!

This debate was almost like the one between John McCain & Barack Obama. It was monitored in a manner befitting what debates aught to be. However, Sarah Palin did her accustomed thing in the way she answered, or did not answer the questions posed. She talked around most of them in a general way. And used her folksy dialects when she felt that it might give her some authenticity or validity on some issues.

She is quite comfortable talking about her work and positions held in Alaska. There is no doubt that she knows about the politics, and economics of Alaska. But as for foreign affairs, she is terribly wanting in that regard. Her responses were by and large very scripted, and she made sure the Republican battle cry for king and country was mentioned very often, to give validity to her position as John McCain's VP.

Senator Joe Biden was in his usual element. Very firm, well informed on the issues, both foreign and domestic. He made sure that the facts about John McCain's voting in the senate was mentioned, when defending Barack Obama's position on the issues.

And his emotional show of feelings when he mentioned his family responsibility as a single parent after his wife's death, was indeed well received I am sure by all viewers. Joe Biden did what was expected of him. He delivered the goods, took the fight to John McCain directly through Sarah Palin, and did not make any blunders that would cause the Obama ticket any regrets!

A very good debate indeed!
