Saturday, September 13, 2008


September 13-2008:

What Is A Good Education Start Up Program?

When I was a child, and that was some years ago in British Guiana. At the Primary School level we were taught World Geography, Botany, Algebra, Arithmetic, Wood Working and Carpentry Tools Skills, Basic Athletics, and Catechism. Because we were a Catholic School.

Every child that attended my school was involved in all or most of these programs, because it was mandatory. And that was only Primary School Level. When we graduated to Secondary School Level or High School in some countries. We were taught Physics, Math & Applied Math, Science (Social and Applied), Biology, World History, Politics, and some Religious Philosophy.

So when you entered college, if you so choose to do so. You would have had some understanding of the level of education, you would be expected to adapt to or apply yourself to.

Today, our Primary and Secondary Schools seem not to have this Rounded or World view of Education.

September 11-2008:

Leeman Brothers Corps is Being Contemplated For Sale By The Feds!

Yes, Leeman Brothers Corps., is now being contemplated by the Federal government to be put up for sale. This organization is the latest casualty to be up for rescuing by the Feds or some private corporation.

Just like J.P.Morgan, Fannie Mae Freddie Mack & others, that are victims of their own GREED-AVARICE & Relentless Appetite for more money in their coffers.

September 10-2008:

Charles Rangel Should Know Better!


Charles Rangel, (Democratic Congressman) is explaining why he failed to pay taxes on some property he owns in the Dominican Republic.

Imagine, this man is currently the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. The person who controls the nation's purse. This is a responsible position for anyone to hold

But yet, here we have a seasoned and long serving congressman, who seem not to be playing by the ethics rules, expected for everyone who serves this country at that level.

Is there any CREDIBLE and DECENT person in Washington-DC left?


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