Monday, September 29, 2008

The 700 Billion Rescue Package Vote Failed Today!

September 29-2008:


The 700 Billion Rescue Package Vote Failed Today!

The 700 Billion dollar rescue plan proposed by president George W. Bush, and fine tuned by some Republican and Democrats in the House Of Congress, did not pass the vote today.

A few Republican hard core members there did not vote for the amended Rescue Proposals. The votes were (205 Yeas-Dems) to (228 Nays-Reps), against the final proposals for this bailout.
So we are back to square one, and the haggling continues in the Congress.

How much longer this will take, is anyone's guess. In the meantime, the economy is sinking deeper and deeper into uncertainty economically!


The Computer Age Requires A Different Approach To The Free Market System!

Prior to the genesis of the Internet and world wide web, money and financial transactions were done in a very complicated and cumbersome manner. It took some time to transfer or wire large amounts of money, do financial transactions, and conduct business internationally.

Today the Internet has eradicated the length of time most of the above business took, and most large investment banks could influence the flow of money, economic growth, and national wealth, of most states or regions, by the way this wealth is transpired, transacted, and conducted via the Internet.

Thus making it easier to create a climate of dread or doom in the financial markets worldwide, whenever irresponsible and greedy investors, get carried away in speculative investments. So with this new reality, implies that new and imperative reasons to change, or inhibit this wanton and reckless business system.

To ensure that regulations are put in place to protect business, banks, home owners, pensioners, and ordinary folks, from being cajoled, conned, or swindled of their monies by unscrupulous brokers, and loan sharks.

Changing what has been done for decades would not be easy, because millions have gained financially from this hands off, and free for all current system. The Hard Core Conservatives in the US House and Senate would not welcome any move to curtail their supporter's abilities to make large amounts of profits, earn large salaries, and retire with windfall pensions, without some effort to stagnate or prevent any severe curtailments to this accustomed practice.

But changes MUST be made, regulations put in place, impartial overseers appointed to supervise these agencies or companies business practices, if we are to prevent another crisis like this one once more.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Independents Will Determine The Politics Of The Future!

September 28-2008:

The Independents Will Determine The Politics Of The Future!

Who are the Independents?

These are individuals of both genders, all ethnicity, religious beliefs, and sexual persuasion. These people are the ones that are Single Minded in thought, and are less inclined to follow traditional beliefs, actions, and expectations.

Independents are individuals that look for substance, depth, vision, and pragmatism. They do not necessarily identify with any political camp, party, or candidate. But are attracted to anyone who seem to share their expectations, beliefs, and ideas.

Independents by and large are democratic in perspective, they also abhor dictatorships, autocracy, and centralism. But understand how such systems work, and how to guard against their genesis.
How important are Independents?

Independents are very important at this juncture of American political history. This is a time when the global communication mediums are creating the platform for camaraderie, solidarity, and instant connection with each other, and fellow independent minded individuals. This medium gives the independents the means to solicit action quickly, invoke interest in any issue, and promote any agenda that helps to further independent minded individual's objectives.

Could Independents influence political outcomes?

Yes, with their single mindedness, actions, beliefs, and behavior, most traditional thinkers are unable to put them in a box, or adequately predict how they will behave at any given event or time.

Therefore, making it absolutely necessary to know what moves this crowd, so as to get their attention and support.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

The John McCain & Barack Obama Debate Evaluation!

September 26-2008:

The John McCain & Barack Obama Debate Evaluation!

Personally, this debate to my mind came as close to what a debate aught to be, for the first time tonight. Both Barack Obama and John McCain dealt with the issues directly, especially Barack Obama, who made every effort to show how different he was in perspective.

When it comes to fighting terror, talking with adversaries, and dealing with our allies.

However, John McCain took pleasure in outlining his involvement hitherto, in committees that dealt with all or most of the above personally. And his past experiences in dealing with foreign leaders, which Barack Obama lacks in volume and frequency.

But overall, they both stuck to the issues, even though I expected Barack Obama to explain what is causing the division and seeming rancor between some Republican and Democrats in the House, in trying to come up with a unified agreement on the Bailout or Rescue issue at hand.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another One Of John McCain's Escapades!

September 24-2008:

Another One Of John McCain's Convenient Escapes From Reality!

Senator Barack Obama said that he called John McCain to discuss a joint declaration to the American people, the importance of this Bailout suggestion at hand, and awaits his response to his suggestion.

John McCain apparently used this gesture to SUSPEND his campaign, and to infer that he saw it fitting to do so. Because of the urgency of this Bailout Package that the House had to concentrate on, and the urgency for an expeditious decision.

This is just another one of those convenient escapades of John McCain, to detract from the importance of the moment, for his perceived political convenience.

However, Senator Barack Obama feels that the intended debate between himself and John McCain must be held. Because it would be prudent for the American people to see just how we as presidential candidates, would deal with a crisis of this magnitude.

And personally, I believe that Barack Obama has taken the right approach, considering what is at stake in the forthcoming election.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Speech At The United Nations-2008!

September 23-2008:


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Speech At The United Nations-2008!

President Ahmadinejad of Iran spoke at the UN today, and his speech sounded like a sermon that one would hear from any European Leader in the world today. He stressed several times that God or Allah will punish those who bring injustice and murder to his fellow humankind.

But what I want to know now are the following:

* Where was this God or Allah when millions of Black people were taken from Africa and made slaves of in the USA, The Caribbean, Central and South America, and ellsewhere?

* Where was this God or Allah when Blacks were being Lynched, Killed, Maimed, and Burnt Alive in the US Southern States?

* And where was this God Or Allah been, when thousands of US native peoples were killed, quarantined, and forced to learn to speak English, and adopt the European ways. While his buffalo food was being used to make Fur Coats, Beaver Hats, and other wealth earning profits?

* Finally, where is this God or Allah that allows one ethnic group (The Whites), to own, control, and dominate this world's wealth, resources, peoples, and cultures?


Sunday, September 21, 2008

President Thabo Mbeki Steps Down In South Africa!

September 21-2008:

Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki Steps Down In South Africa!

Yes, South Africa's Prime Minister Thabo Mbeki steps down after unanimous petitions from within the ANC for him to do so. He has become irrelevant after years of ignoring the ordinary working classes, and seemingly to favor the middle class, whom he has supported and promoted without remorse.

He also has a history of denial that HIV was not the cause of AIDS.
This personal conviction was the cause of thousands of people dying from this disease, because of his reluctance to provide the much needed and tested Protease Inhibitors, that the West have been using successfully to stem the growth and multiplication of this blood bourne disease.

Mr. Thabo Mbeki has been accused of clandestinely working to have his former Deputy President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma on charges of corruption etc.. During his years in power his has not done much in building homes for the millions, whom are still trapped in the Shanty Townships that was so indicative of the Apartheid era.

All of these ills and more, have come to haunt his presidency, regardless of how much his is praised for his diplomatic work with Zimbabwe, and the creation of the Organization Of African Unity brotherhood. Which today has not really done much to ensure that democracy is promoted, practiced, and sustained in many African states, most of which, still are dictatorships.

Will Jacob Zuma bring the much needed changes long overdue to South Africa? I say, maybe, but don't hold your breath. History as shown us several times before, that African leaders tend to continue the same old leadership through a one party state or dictatorship. Or by coup-de-tat overthrow of governments via the military.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Poverty & Illiteracy Fuels Terrorism!

September 20-2008:


Poverty & Illiteracy Fuels Terrorism!

Yes, it is a fact that combating international terrorism will not gain much success because of the following:

* In Afghanistan, Pakistan, & India the volume of poverty and illiteracy among young people are exceedingly apparent. And until the governments take stringent efforts to ensure that educational facilities like schools, teachers, and related facilities that target youth generally.

The Masjids and Hindu Ashrams will continue to target these people, because they are most vulnerable for coercion, threats, fear, and lack the means to adequately advocate on their own behalf.

Regardless of how much the US, the coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan try to get a grip on this problem. Until the respective governments face the fact that they MUST do what is vitally necessary to provide employment opportunities, schooling, housing for the poor and desperate.

These people will seek refuse from the Taliban Imams and Masjids for direction, help, and financial assistance, thus becoming subjects for suicide bombers, Mujadeen fighters, and fundamentalist trainers and advocates.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Desperate Times Require Desperate Actions!

September 19-2008:


Desperate Times Require Desperate Action!

The US Economy:

Now that the latest casualty of the economic financial crises is being saved, A.I.G. will be just another one of those liabilities that the American commonweal and tax payers, would be expected to pay for in decades to come.

This is what happens when a system allows the market to determine who gets rich, how the national wealth is distributed, and does not have realistic regulations for those businesses that operate therein.
To be monitored so that Fair Trading, Investment, and Loan provisions are conducted with the highest concern for ethics, and fair business practices.

Meanwhile, the ordinary working classes, and the middle class, are expected to come on board with this bailout,because it was perceived as necessary by the Feds for the survival of the national economy!

Heaven Help Us All:


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Israel Gets It's Second Female Prime Minister!

September 17-2008:


Israel Has It's Second Female Prime Minister!

Ever since Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister, Israel has never elected another female Head Of Government, Tzipi Livni.

Today, for the second time, there will be another female Prime Minister Of Israel.

However, this woman was a member of Israel's Principal Secret Service agency. Just like her counterpart in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, a former head of the dreaded KGB internal security agency.

Now what does this revelation and contrast mean?

* It simply means that these two individuals were trained and experienced Police. With the mentality that is so indicative of such persons. They tend to be suspicious of everyone.

* Have a very narrow view of people and how to deal with them.

* Thinks in terms of curtailing and shadowing individuals they think is up to no good. Or does not seem to fit their profile.

* Israel is still an occupier of Palestinian territories, continues to harass and imprison young Palestinian Resistance fighters. most of whom are labelled terrorists.

* Disconnecting the electricity supply to Palestine whenever a suicide bomber strikes, curtails Palestinian movements throughout Palestine and Israel with personal ID cards, visitation quotas, food distribution quotas, fuel quotas, Garbage and Sewer maintenance snafus.

* Holding back Palestinian Security Personnel's salaries whenever they feel like it.

*And Israel has a brick wall that encroaches upon large areas of Palestinian land, with no intention to pull down or dismantle it.

So Prime Minister Tzipi Livni will be expected to continue the inherited policies of Ehud Olmert and his predecessor!


Saturday, September 13, 2008


September 13-2008:

What Is A Good Education Start Up Program?

When I was a child, and that was some years ago in British Guiana. At the Primary School level we were taught World Geography, Botany, Algebra, Arithmetic, Wood Working and Carpentry Tools Skills, Basic Athletics, and Catechism. Because we were a Catholic School.

Every child that attended my school was involved in all or most of these programs, because it was mandatory. And that was only Primary School Level. When we graduated to Secondary School Level or High School in some countries. We were taught Physics, Math & Applied Math, Science (Social and Applied), Biology, World History, Politics, and some Religious Philosophy.

So when you entered college, if you so choose to do so. You would have had some understanding of the level of education, you would be expected to adapt to or apply yourself to.

Today, our Primary and Secondary Schools seem not to have this Rounded or World view of Education.

September 11-2008:

Leeman Brothers Corps is Being Contemplated For Sale By The Feds!

Yes, Leeman Brothers Corps., is now being contemplated by the Federal government to be put up for sale. This organization is the latest casualty to be up for rescuing by the Feds or some private corporation.

Just like J.P.Morgan, Fannie Mae Freddie Mack & others, that are victims of their own GREED-AVARICE & Relentless Appetite for more money in their coffers.

September 10-2008:

Charles Rangel Should Know Better!


Charles Rangel, (Democratic Congressman) is explaining why he failed to pay taxes on some property he owns in the Dominican Republic.

Imagine, this man is currently the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. The person who controls the nation's purse. This is a responsible position for anyone to hold

But yet, here we have a seasoned and long serving congressman, who seem not to be playing by the ethics rules, expected for everyone who serves this country at that level.

Is there any CREDIBLE and DECENT person in Washington-DC left?


Friday, September 12, 2008

Nicholas Sarcozy Speaks Out On Religion & Politics!

September 12-2008:

Nicholas Sarcozy Speaks Out On Religion & Politics!


Nicholas Sarcozy president of France told his people when the Pope visited there recently. That they should consider discussing religion as it relates to secularism, and see how the two could operate more amicably. He stressed that religion can also be a means to organize, and further societal values, via dialogue between politicians and the church.

I think he is getting into something that most French people feel MUST never be associated with politics. In fact most French people feel that the separation between the Church and State MUST always be separate, and not try to co-op any one of them for political gains.

This same mentality as we all know is gaining momentum right here in the USA. Where politicians running for State and Federal office feel that religion must be a factor which somehow qualifies the candidates for holding any such office, especially the presidency. And specifically being a Christian as the preferred religion, that most Americans would like their president to associate himself or herself with.

But even with this mis-guided form of patriotism and criteria. The Constitution Of the USA was drafted by Christian oriented individuals, who were specific in inserting the SERERATION of church from STATE matters. Yet Americans today in large numbers are pushing for the personal involvement and identification of their leaders, as persons of religious faith, and must also be Christian.

Where this trend will lead to in Western democracies at this time, is anyone's guess. But I hold the view that Religion and Religious views MUST be relegated to the church organizations and confines.

Let the SECULARISTS deal with society at large according to the National Constitution, which provides specific guidelines for so doing!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Some Ideas For Community Service!

September 11-2008:

Some Ideas For Community Service!

I have listened to Senator Barack Obama speak about Community Service initiatives by the Federal Government, that encourages High Schoolers, College kids, Seniors, Juniors, Retirees, and anyone with special skills that they would like to share with the community.

* To get involved in providing voluntary contributions in schools, churches, community organizations, overseas, and any place they feel they would like to serve.

* This ideal could also be facilitated to HIV patients who have lived or survived this pandemic:

* Have been taking the prescribed medications, and have personally known and experienced all the side effects of these medications.

Which makes them eligible to advocate for Federal, State, and City funding for improved prevention, and to facilitate where necessary, with some "per-diem" emoluments.

* For their willingness to make themselves available to train, impart, and facilitate HIV Infected People's Groups, Gender Identity issues, and Stigma relating to HIV infection, Family issues, Sexual and Gender identity issues.

*And helping them to access the services for people living with HIV, as it relates to language differences, gender identity, and sexual preferences.

All of these areas are ready to provide qualified personnel to assist the Federal, State, and City government's commissions and committees that would organize, facilitate, and provide such personnel, training, and advocacy, whenever and wherever the need arise.

I am ready and willing also to get on board any committee that initiates programs for training advocates to petition political representatives, petition political representatives for more HIV and related funding needs, providing some per-diem can be provided, which will assist in transportation, accommodation, and other out of pocket needs, when involved in any of these programs.

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time To Change The Strategy Democrats!

September 10-2008:



Too much emphasis is being placed on Sarah Palin currently.  If you truly understand who is being influenced by this woman, then you would read the following observations:

* Sarah Palin is the VP nominee for the Republicans ( and that's that).

* Let Senator Joe Biden deal with Sarah Palin ONLY:

* But let Senaor Barack Obama totally concentrate on John McCain as he sees fitting. 

Always reminding constituents that this contest is between Barack Obama & John McCain.

Because at the moment the media seem to be keeping the interests focussed on Sarah Palin.

As for the Independents and Un-decided.  

These people are mostly disgrintled Republicans, and the CONFUSED.  I believe that not enough of Hillary's former supporters are still bitter to make any difference later.

Lastly, FOCUS on APALACHIA. Let Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama campaign together in those college electoral voting states. To get those women and men fired up once again. 

Only this time for Barack Obama.


Whoever Senator Barack Obama is listening to for advice on how he is doing with his messages. I think he is probably getting the WRONG advice currently.  Because all that I hear coming from him right now is TRITE, FRIVOLITY, and not the message of CHANGE, or the ISSUES that matter!

I implore you to try these suggestions for the next month, and see if it makes a difference in the overall Poll numbers, and constituencies at play!


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Fanny Mae & Freddie Mac Temporarily Nationalized:

September 06-2008

Fanny Mae & Freddie Mac's Dilemma!

Senator Barack Obama said on TV today that he is waiting to see what the Feds will be doing about this situation. They will be assisting these two entities with some liquidity, but as for the details of that package.

The senator feels it necessary to hold his proposals, until he consults with all the authorities involved, familiarize himself with the details of this proposed assistance, then make his recommendations, as per the solution.

Bearing in mind the impact this crisis have on working class people, home owners, and the national economy currently.

Incidentally, John McCain and his Pit Bull Sarah Palin, only give a vague and superficial explanation about this crisis. No realistic or practical solutions were offered by neither of them, to reconcile this crisis.

September 06-2008:


Why Are Most Americans Are Distrustful With The Local Media?

Firstly, CNN-MSNBC-FOX News and the rest are commercial entities. They overwhelm the viewers with commercial advertising. Sometimes even deafening to the ear.

Public television like is one of the limited channels that does not subject the viewer to commercial advertising.

Furthermore, when you are bombarded daily, weekly, yearly, and for most of your life with this kind of coercion, indoctrination, and presumptuous information. You either confirm to the expectations, become dependent upon this medium for your information, or become vulnerable and a believer of most or everything seen and heard therein.

And thus in the long run, are unable to think things through, like any rational person is expected to do with information.


Saturday, September 06, 2008

How Do You Choose Your Political Representatives?

September 01-2006:

How Do You Choose Your Political Representatives?

* Do you choose them based on Color or Ethnicity?

* Do you choose them because they look like you, or subscribe to the same religion?

* Do you choose them because they subscribe to the same narrow minded world view like you?

* Do you choose them because they are Moslem, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or Scientologist?

Or should you look for the following:

* A resolve to create Unity in Diversity.

* Full economic growth and opportunities for all.

* National Security from internal and external threats.

* Pursuing and maintaining good cultural and economic relations with friends and allies.

* Ensuring that the commonweal have access to all economic, educational, and employment opportunities available.

* Ensuring that all political parties are included in the political process, without favor, discrimination, or ostracism.

* And maintaining free access to all Media, both Public and Private, and without censure.


To be a truly progressive society, voters must be able to entertain these thoughts. Preserve these values. And strive through social advocacy, to ensure that they are implemented, and preserved for posterity.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Biggest Con Scheme Since The Parting Of The Red Sea!

September 05-2008:


The Biggest Con Scheme Since The Parting Of The Red Sea!

A young woman and qualified doctoral student was caught with an explosive belt strapped on her. She was only nineteen years of age, and was caught in Iraq recently.

It is not easy to catch suicide bombers before they explode themselves. She was a new recruit who probably was still hesitant to carry out her forced and coercive orders.

When caught, she told the authorities that she was told by her captors, (some were relatives or hers), that when she goes to Heaven, she will see angels dressed in white dresses, with clear skin, black eyes, and two rivers where one was filled with milk, and the other filed with honey.

They also told her not to be afraid, when she said she was afraid, and asked why they were asking her to do this.
Unfortunately for most suicide bombers from both genders and age groups, these people are victims of historical religious traditions that runs very deep.

The Imams and Masjids hold sway over the minds and hearts of these people. And whatever these leaders tell their flock, is believed, and any orders to do something in the name of Allah is considered a privilege.

Call it organized religious genocide, or organized religious manipulation. Whatever it is that propel individuals to do such grave things to themselves and society at large, may never be understood fully here in the western world.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What's Wrong With POPULARITY?

September 03-2008:

What's Wrong With POPULARITY?

Senator Barack Obama:

Senator Barack Obama was considered unknown all throughout the nomination process. He has been called an Elitist, Out Of Touch, and In-experienced.

Today, after the nomination, he is called a Celebrity!

I say, you have to be popular and a celebrity, to be elected president of the United States. Regardless of the mis-conception and ignorance about the definition of these two words. Because if you are an unknown to the American people, you will surely lose any presidential election.

And that is a FACT!

Mitt Romney:

This man was a former governor, who claimed during his republican primary contest that he was experienced, well tested, has management prowess and ability, and was the better candidate for the nomination. Today, he is a SAD LOSER, who is now supporting his colleague John McCain, even after being overlooked for the VP slot.

Rudolph Giuliani:

This man was a former Mayor of New York City. The celebrity of the 911 World Trade Center disaster, and a BIG LOSER in the republican primary race for the nomination. He lost BIG TIME in Florida, after claiming that the Floridians will vote for him in their primary. He was sadly and badly humiliated by them with a BIG LOSS.

Senator Lieberman:

This senator is one of those confused, and demented former democrats, now Independent/Republican Soup Drinker. He said at the Republican convention that Barack Obama never worked in collaboration with republicans for any piece of legislation, (or words to that effect). This LIAR should be ashamed of himself.

* Barack Obama collaborated with Democrats and Republicans in the drafting of the Ethics Legislation, the Non-Nuclear proliferation legislation, and the Veteran's GI Reform Bill legislation, to say the least. And he was only in Washington-DC for three years.

So Senator Lieberman, like all of the other Republican lackeys, are grabbing at straws at this stage with their contention. Because they have nothing tangible, meaningful, fruitful, or positive to offer the American people!

September 03-2008:

I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning

Robert Duvall (the movie star) from the motion picture "Vietnam." He said in that movie the following,

"I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning."

These are the FIRE BOMBS that the American Air Force dropped in the heavily wooded areas in Vietnam, to flush out the Viet Cong.

This is the man the Republicans used to narrate a video titled 'Prosperity' at their convention.

Go figure!


My Views On Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK):

September 03-2008:

My views On Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK), Are Based On The Following:

* Governor Palin was the Governor of Alaska for almost two years, thus making her the least experienced VP candidate for any president.

* Governor Palin has no foreign policy experience either.

* Governor Palin is Pro Life. Which compliments John McCain's current position of Pro Life.

* Governor Palin is an insult to all women, if she was chosen to attract women from the democratic camp. Because most democratic women who supported Hillary Clinton are Pro Choice. So that intent could backfire against the Republican party.

Finally, Governor Palin does not speak for most working class women of the big cities like New York, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

* These constituencies are in favor primarily of the woman's right to choose.

*More liberal Judges on the Supreme Court, and Same Sex marriages or unions.

