September 11-2007:
The 6Th Anniversary Of The World Trade Center Terror-2001:
As we reflect upon what happened in New York City six years ago to date. Let us remind ourselves that the TRUTH about that destruction is still being debated by Americans in every walk of life. Conspiracy theories are available online to read, and digest at will too.
But the hole in the ground at what has become known as "Ground Zero," has yet to be filled with something that could appease all those families, and concerned Americans, for the lives lost. With an apt tribute and respect for the innocent victims, whom was used as guinea pigs by clandestine motives, disguised as foreign terror.
Be that as it may, what should we do now to end the continuous lives being wasted in Iraq & Afghanistan, in a war that supposedly is being waged against this foreign terror?
There is also a feeling both officially and in the media, that Home Grown terror is likely. And the nation must be prepared for more intrusion into their personal privacy, travel, and movements within and without the USA.
And one wonders just how much more of this official hype and scare tactics could the commonweal endure before it asks these questions:
* How do we identify these so called 'Home Grown' terrorists?
* And what profile are we talking about, in order to speculate it's validity?
* And what evidence or proof is there to support these suspicions?
How could any government ask it's people or the commonweal to support them in the fight against terror suspects. When the same government has in the past, and possibly currently indulges in foreign terror, and assists other governments to do the same in it's interest.
And gives financial, military, and technical aid to some governments whom it is known, are conducting terror against their neighbors, and other nationals they consider disposable or un-desirable!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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