Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The MIRANDA Warning Explained!

The MIRANDA Warning & Its' Motive!

!. You are under arrest:
2. You have a right to be silent:
3. You have a right to a lawyer or attorney:
4. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you in court:
5. You are entitled to make one telephone call:
6. Anything you say as of now, can be held or may be used as evidence against you:

This warning requires some explanation:

I believe that so many people who are arrested by the Police, fail to understand what this warning is all about, sometimes are even allowed to spill their guts, then told afterwards about this warning. While others who claim to know about it, after being cautioned about their rights under this warning, continue to prattle and babble away about their so called innocence, thus causing them to be in a regrettable position, when this evidence is read in court before the presiding Judge.

* When an arrested person fails to heed the Miranda warning recited to him or her, after he or she is arrested, then that person does not mind or care for this evidence being used against him or her, in a court of law afterwards.

Hitherto this legislation, numberless individuals were arrested, allowed to babble away their rights, and then all that was said there and then, (true or false), was documented by the arresting policeman or woman, as evidence against him or her. Thus in many instances facilitating false or misrepresented evidence against him or her in court.

And when challenged by the Judge in court, after being told to explain himself or herself in defense, is shocked when the presiding Judge sides with the prosecution against him or her. After all, he or she was arrested after violating the law. Therefore, the court will have to side with the police report in such matters, when there is no substantive/conflicting evidence provided by the plaintiff's attorney!

So Be WISE & Keep Silent When Arrested!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
PS: This warning ONLY apply to USA citizens & US foreign territories and jurisdictions:

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