March 16-2007:
How Do We Caribbean Peoples Extricate Ourselves From Our Mental & Psychological Malaise?
I have been seriously thinking about our social & economic reality. And the following thoughts came to mind. And which I am about to share with you.
Historically, the Asian and African peoples were brought to this region as Indentured or Contracted workers, and Slaves. When slavery was abolished in this region, the Indians were still living and tilling those lands that they occupied until then. The Blacks chose to leave these lands, because it reminded them of their terrible past in slavery on those lands. Instead they opted for the cities, and the low wage paying jobs that could be found there.
The Indians were less inclined to do so. Their lives in history were extremely poor, low caste, and disenfranchised. So this new reality, and possibly economic opportunity was something to be grasped. So they stayed on the lands, and in time, with monies accumulated from hard, and personal sacrifice from savings, they were able to purchase plots of land for personal tilling. And selling some of its' produce for personal needs and savings too.
In time, as the political climate and opportunities developed for both groups, the awareness that education was a necessity to gain self respect, social class, and economic opportunities were understood for what it is. The Blacks were already settled in the townships and cities mostly, already had this awareness, and some chose to have their children access these educational advantages. With Primary education as a public necessity and a state mandate. The Blacks were very keen on sending their children to school to get at least a Good Primary Educational foundation.
In time, as the political climate and opportunities developed for both groups, the awareness that education was a necessity to gain self respect, social class, and economic opportunities were understood for what it is. The Blacks were already settled in the townships and cities mostly, already had this awareness, and some chose to have their children access these educational advantages. With Primary education as a public necessity and a state mandate. The Blacks were very keen on sending their children to school to get at least a Good Primary Educational foundation.
The Indians (by and large), did not see this need, especially those in the rural or agricultural areas. Because they needed their children to help on the farms and fields they owned or worked. And sending them off to school, would have impacted negatively on their ability to do that work efficiently, productively, and gainfully. So the Indian community was very slow in allowing their children to seek education, because as I said before, that was not an immediate priority.
When the British colonizers eventually left these domains, the cultural and economic void was quite obvious.
When the British colonizers eventually left these domains, the cultural and economic void was quite obvious.
So Blacks in the main, benefited from this, along with the imported Chinese, and Portuguese indentures. The privately owned businesses of the Portuguese and Chinese, mostly employed those whose skin color were similar. So only those 'fair skinned' Blacks were given jobs in public view, or with minimal responsibilities. And these Blacks had to have some Secondary Education, very good grades, or had to be personally recommended by their priests, churches, or schools as credible.
So the 'divide and rule' to manage mentality was still being promoted in the region, even though the British was gone. The new educational elite, like those Guyanese and Trinidadian children who studied abroad, were given the top or better jobs in the region. Thus making them an elite unto themselves in the region. By virtue of their foreign exposure personally, they were thought to have more intelligence, know-how, and ability to manege. Young politicians were groomed from this corps of foreign educated elite. Thus setting the stage for the new political leadership in the region.
Because of the British policies in the region of 'Divide & Rule' in this region, the seeds of partition, racial or ethnic segregation, and sometimes partition begun. The local politicians used their unique and personal ethnicity, to lure or persuade their intended supporters to vote or support them in their quest for leadership in government, and governing this region. Thus began the history of the local Trade Union Leadership, and Political Leadership coming to the fore from these areas.
Because of the British policies in the region of 'Divide & Rule' in this region, the seeds of partition, racial or ethnic segregation, and sometimes partition begun. The local politicians used their unique and personal ethnicity, to lure or persuade their intended supporters to vote or support them in their quest for leadership in government, and governing this region. Thus began the history of the local Trade Union Leadership, and Political Leadership coming to the fore from these areas.
And finally culminating in the ethnic divide in appropriation of funding, services, economic growth and development, and political representation in the entire region of the Caribbean and the Americas.
How Can We Move Forward Economically?
It is my view that we will always have this ethnic suspicion and divide in the region, because of our history, and local political behaviors. It is also my view that the old timers will never be able to make that change in mentality, that is healthy for true unity, in diversity, that is needed to move forward. It is also my belief that foreign investment MUST be encouraged in the region. It is our only hope for growth. But when foreign investors come in, they must be advised to invest in all of these ethnic regions.
How Can We Move Forward Economically?
It is my view that we will always have this ethnic suspicion and divide in the region, because of our history, and local political behaviors. It is also my view that the old timers will never be able to make that change in mentality, that is healthy for true unity, in diversity, that is needed to move forward. It is also my belief that foreign investment MUST be encouraged in the region. It is our only hope for growth. But when foreign investors come in, they must be advised to invest in all of these ethnic regions.
Some form or economic equity must be implemented, so that no group may feel dis-regarded, shut out, under-developed, or ignored. And all foreign investors must understand that employing all ethnic groups is a MUST, in order to maintain balance, ethnic diversity and economic opportunity for all in the region.
Who Will benefit From This Venture?
Who Will benefit From This Venture?
The people who will benefit primarily are the descendants of Trinidadians, Barbadians, and Guyanese. Yes, the children of those who left the region several years ago, to take up residence in the USA, Canada, the UK and else where. Their offspring, and those offspring who are willing to visit the region, settle there, invest there, and encourage others to do the same too.
That to my mind will be the beginning of REAL economic, social, and political changes in the region.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
That to my mind will be the beginning of REAL economic, social, and political changes in the region.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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