January 06-2007:
Secret Societies Are Secret For A reason?
Excerpt from an article about the Free Masons:
We are the Masons. We believe in helping others. We believe there is more to life than pleasure and money. We respect the opinions of others. And we all want to grow and develop as human beings. Masons are moral, honest men who work together to improve themselves and their communities. Our motto is "friendship, morality, and brotherly love."
Any society that purports to be secret, is secret for a reason/s. And any society that requires exclusivity must be looked at with very scrupulous eyes! And the Free Masons is one of those societies.
Historically, they have been perceived as racist, Caucasian, and clandestine. Blacks were never allowed to join that society either. But for whatever reason, Blacks eventually began to create their own Free Mason societies. But the historical White oriented Free Mason societies, did not acknowledge these Black Masons as their own, as brothers, or as part of the Free Mason Society brotherhood. So that is why their is a distinction between Free Masons and Black Free Mason's societies.
I guess they are basically similar in intention or mission. But their recruits are from different backgrounds, status, and social standing. Whether or not the Black Free Masons allow Gays, or known Gay or Homosexual men within their midst, is anyone's guess. But I also assume that the homosexual element is never absent for most secret societies, where men pre-dominate. It seems to be the natural order of things. When a society of men get together, and debars women from being a part of that society. Who is to know for sure what really happens therein, or what activities are accepted or rejected therein?
So the concern that Gays may or may not be accepted in such societies (to my mind), is just speculation. Unless some member of that society, who may be Gay or Homosexual, does something that is considered embarrassing for the reputation or perceived integrity of that society!
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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