Monday, September 18, 2006

American's Obsession With Food!

September 18-2006:

American's Obsession with Food!

While the poor and developing countries struggle with the need to provide adequate food for it's people. Americans seem to crave or over indulge in eating more and more food every day.

Yes, this craving is primarily supported by the media's promotion of food, cooking of food, talk shows that promote food commercials, game shows that provide food hampers, and the ever present inducement, of new and more types of mouth watering snacks and foods.

Obesity & Poor Nutrition:

Poor nutrition is a major factor that causes the development of obesity, and poor health. Most working class low income level wage earners, are unable to maintain proper nutrition within their families. Most are not oriented to pay strict attention to a proper nutritional diet. And those who are, cannot afford to do so on their meager wages/income.

But this flaw is no only indicative of low income households. It is the general feature of American society. A society that craves food, like they crave oil for the motor vehicles they love, and the industrial infrastructure of the general economy.


Until the educational curriculum in all schools, stresses that proper nutrition is the key to survival, good health, longevity, and a more active life style. People of all ages, social strata, and economic abilities, will continue to indulge their relentless appetites for food!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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