Friday, June 17, 2005

Consumers Please Boycott Walmart Stores:

Boycott Walmart Stores!

Boycott International a program of 1world communication:
1world communication has decided to launch Boycott International in recognition of the power of individuals in situations where governments have chosen to, or are unable to, influence companies that exploit children and/or violate basic human rights of their workers.

Global trade and lending organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund have made it harder for organizations in any one country, or even governments to protect the interests of their citizens from the greed of multinational corporations. The assets of some of the largest corporations exceed those of many nations.

Only as a united global community can we stop them from destroying the environment, violating the most basic human rights of their workers, and exploiting children as a source of cheap labor.
The pages of Boycott International (BI) will serve as a clearinghouse of information. Occasionally BI will call for a boycott of a company not yet subject to an actual one but, due to it’s gross violations of human rights, we believe should not be patronized.We have chosen Walmart as the target of our primary call for a boycott because of the company’s unfair labor practices around the world.

Not only does this chain mistreat many employees that work for them, it also sells goods made by suppliers that grossly violate the rights of their workers around the world. Despite protests and a law suit they have refused to correct these problems.

The following article will give you some examples of how Walmart does business.

Special Note:
Walmart as an organization believes that selling merchandize to the consumer at a low price, is the best offer one can get. But at the same time, they fail to tell consumers that if a retailer is going to sell his merchandise cheaply, he has to pay wages cheaply. And doing that will make it impossible for workers to make a decent livlehood, pay rent, buy clothing, save for his child/chidren's college education, and put something away for a rainy day.

Walmart buys most of it's stock from China at a very cheap rate, undercutting the agreed upon fair trade agreement that China as a partner has signed. This is a blatant violation of fair trading practices. You see friends, China has a very large reservoir of labour to access. Plus that state subsidizes most of the local industries, in keeping with the communist system of state control.

And China does not allow Trade Unions to operate within it's borders. That conflicts with socialist thinking of collective ownership of the mode of production!

Therefore, taking strong action like boycotting Walmart stores, is just a start in the right direction.

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Political Educator & Advocate.

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