Monday, May 30, 2011


May 30-2011.


Yes, One Of Several Trannies And Screaming Whores Of New York City-Greenwich-Village, Was Caught By The NYC Police.

These Screaming Whores Vandalized A Dunkin Donut Shop Recently, Stole The Donuts, Break Furniture, And Carried On Like Mad Cows There.

They Should Be Lashed Several Times In A Public Square.

SHARIA Law Is Warranted Here, To Send A Message, That It Is Not Cool To Vandalize Private Or Public Property!

Those Of Us Who Live In The Christopher Street Neighborhood Cannot Get Any Sleep At Night, Because Of The Screaming Whores!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New York Supreme Court-Adolph Hitler-Gestapo & Storm Trooper's Ruling!

May 18-2011.

New York Supreme Court-Adolph Hitler-Gestapo & Storm Trooper's Ruling!

Shoot To Kill Anyone Who Kicks Down Your Apartment's Door Without Your Expressed Permission. You never know if his/her intention is to do you harm.

If it is the Police, TOUGH LUCK!

The New York Supreme Court has now given legal permission to the Police to kick down anyone's apartment door, if they smell marijuana smoke coming or emanating from that apartment.

Mind you, 'they only have to smell the smoke of marijuana And call out to that person to open the door, and if he/she takes 'too long, they can kick the door down, to prevent the occupant from trying to hide the evidence.

This is the rationale that the Supreme Court used to allow this invasion of people's personal privacy and space, in New York State.


Sunday, May 01, 2011

At Night I Leave My Body To Recharge While I Roam In Another Dimension!

May 01-2011.

At Night I Leave My Body To Recharge While I Roam In Another Dimension!

I have been experiencing this phenomenon or dreamlike reality for several weeks now. Most nights when I fall asleep, I am transported to another dimension literally in sleep. Why do I believe this? Here are some of the reasons to support my contention.

I have been having the same dream/s almost every night. I see the same people mostly, experience the same places, travel the same terrain and routes, and bid farewell to almost the very same individuals, when I am about to re-enter my body or wake up almost every night.

This sounds uncanny, but it is my reality, and is also very real to me. I wrote an article titled "We Are Living In A Parallel Universe" some months ago. And this article attempts to explain this personal experience of mine in more detail.

Here is the link to it, if you are interested.

I Enjoy The Experience Mostly:

Most of the time in these escapades during sleep, I enjoy meeting these individuals. Most of them appear like us humans, of different complexions. But not necessarily different in language. I have never met anyone during my sleep who spoke to me in any other language other than my own which is English.

I also believe that when we communicate in the spirit world we do so with the mind. And this too I experienced, because I did not have to actually SPEAK, but just communicate with my thoughts. I also found that very often when I am about to shake hands with someone, he/she is unable to grasp mine, and he/she looks puzzled, because they believe that we are both on the same spiritual plane or reality.

They cannot understand that I am in a physical body. That is why they cannot feel my hands like we do here on the physical world/reality.

Pain And Pleasure Is Also There:

I sometimes experience frightful encounters from individuals who want to either kill me, or do me some harm. And to escape this encounter, I remind myself that they cannot really kill me, because I am dreaming, and quickly thereafter, I awake in fear. Or sometimes if it was a pleasant encounter, I awake very pleased with myself too.

Our Planet Earth Is Our Own Reality:

This planet we call earth, is our human reality. But it may not be the only physical place where other beings exist. Maybe not in the shape or form as we do. But another reality peculiar to themselves.

That is why I so strongly believe in other dimensions.

That is why most religions subscribe to this belief, because this belief/reality is inherent in our human DNA.

Call it Heaven, Paradise, Zion, or The Kingdom Of Heaven. This belief is global to the human specie, regardless of whether you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, or Agnostic..
