January 11-2009:
White Supremacy-Police Murders & Anti-Immigration In America!
The growth and spread of White Supremacist literature and hate within our society nationally, and on the Internet is astounding. And this cancer is gaining ground via the Internet, with it's literature of hate, and immigrant bashing!
There is a growing concern among those of us who keep our ears, and eyes open to social injustice in this society (the USA). That in recent years we have witnessed the killing of Blacks by our nation's Police Forces throughout this country with impunity. When Black men especially are fired upon by the Police, they are invariably shot several times, to ensure that they never rise again or live thereafter.
This is no accident, or incidental occurrence. It is a resolve within the ranks of the Police Precincts of this nation, many of whom use that institution to indulge in their prejudices and hate pogroms, to kill Blacks, Latinos, and to a lesser degree Jews and Homosexuals.
The new Immigrants of Color are now being targeted as fodder for White racist hate, and scapegoatism.
Yes, have you ever pondered why is it that whenever a Black person (especially male), is shot by the Police in this country, is shot several times, and never once to lame or stop him in his tracks?
One is left with the suspicion from this national phenomena, that there may be UNDER COVER White racist elements who are enlisting in the Police Forces, and the Military Services, in order to spread their clandestine ideology of White ethnic supremacy and supremacist agenda.
Vigilance And Resolve Is Urgently Needed:
Those of us who are concerned with this growing trend of hate for Jews, Blacks, Immigrants Of Color, and Homosexuals, must be prepared to spread the word around, inform those who are asleep, tell the world via the Internet, what you have been witnessing within your district, communities, regions, states, and any place that such overt behavior is present. And it is also the responsibility of all citizens of conscience to speak up, speak often, and condemn any Police brutality, police killing, and Unlawful Police Pardon, that takes place in this country.
Because that is our responsibility as citizens of this nation USA, to protect all who believe in Freedom Of Expression, Liberty, Opportunity, Civility, Equality, Justice Under The Law, and National Security From Internal and External Demise.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.