Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav MUST Not Be Used For Political Gains!

August 31-2008:

The Impending Hurricane Touchdown-MUST Not Be Used For Political Gains!


As far as I am aware, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagan has said on TV that the states of Louisiana and Mississippi have made all the necessary arrangements such as Buses, Aircraft, and other logistics to shuttle residents out of these states currently.

F.E.M.A has also been on board with these efforts, and he does not envisage anything happening like it did when hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf.

He also stressed that several warnings were made publicly to residents of these states to evacuate immediately. Failing to heed this warning to evacuate, they would not be any available rescue operations for anyone, who chose to stay behind.

And find themselves in straits, requesting help or rescue. They would be on their own in any emergency, for failing to respond or comply with the national emergency preparedness and evacuation.

Now John McCain is using this situation, that is totally under control by the authorities and FEMA there, to muster political support and sympathy for his so-called involvement.

I shudder at the thought that some impending disaster, resulting from an act of nature, could be anticipated and used to muster political support or sympathy, for the republican candidate John McCain!



Friday, August 29, 2008

If The Democrats Don't Get It Now-They Never Will:

August 29-2008:

If The Democrats Don't Get It Now-They Never Will:

Senator Barack Obama DNC nominee for the presidency has outlined EXACTLY what he intends to do when he gets to the White House, in the first four years, and beyond.

The media, some supporters like myself, and the community at large, wanted SPECIFICS from him, about his intentions, and the nitty-gritty of what he proposes to deliver to the American people.

And this he has done in a very specific, clear, well defined, and coherent manner. So if the democrats, and the lukewarm still don't get it, then they never will.

I sincerely hope that as he and the campaign continues onward to victory in November, all Americans will learn about this man, his intentions, his ability to lead this nation, and the necessary judgement required, for making the salient decisions when the times comes.



Voter Turnout & Voter Behavior Polls Needs To Be Revamped!
CNN-FOX NEWS-MSNBC and other national media seem to feel, that they are in the know about how the national commonweal feels or intends to vote this November.

But I believe that they are only tapping into some tried and tested areas hitherto used by them, to make determinations.

However, this is a NEW era, with New voting constituencies, and volumes of new and potential voters that are not being polled, tested, or cannot be targeted successfully, in terms of how they would vote this November.

So after this momentous election experience in November. A new formula would surely have to be drawn up, to make future predictions of voter turnout and behavior.



The Magic Number Of College Electoral Votes Are 270:

YES, in order for Barack Obama or John McCain to win the national election this November, they MUST acquire (either one), two hundred and seventy college electoral votes.
Can the Democrats do it? YES WE CAN:

So let us work HARD, FEVERISHLY, UN-WAVERINGLY and RELENTLESSLY from this moment on.


If The Democrats Don't Get It Now-They Never Will:

August 29-2008:

If The Democrats Don't Get It Now-They Never Will:

Senator Barack Obama DNC nominee for the presidency has outlined EXACTLY what he intends to do when he gets to the White House, in the first four years, and beyond.

The media, some supporters like myself, and the community at large, wanted SPECIFICS from him, about his intentions, and the nitty-gritty of what he proposes to deliver to the American people.
And this he has done in a very specific, clear, well defined, and coherent manner.

So if the democrats, and the lukewarm still don't get it, then they never will.

I sincerely hope that as he and the campaign continues onward to victory in November, all Americans will learn about this man, his intentions, his ability to lead this nation, and the necessary judgement required, for making the salient decisions when the times comes.



Voter Turnout & Voter Behavior Polls Needs To Be Revamped!

CNN-FOX NEWS-MSNBC and other national media seem to feel, that they are in the know about how the national commonweal feels or intends to vote this November.

But I believe that they are only tapping into some tried and tested areas hitherto used by them, to make determinations.

However, this is a NEW era, with New voting constituencies, and volumes of new and potential voters that are not being polled, tested, or cannot be targeted successfully, in terms of how they would vote this November.

So after this momentous election experience in November. A new formula would surely have to be drawn up, to make future predictions of voter turnout and behavior.



The Magic Number Of College Electoral Votes Are 270:

YES, in order for Barack Obama or John McCain to win the national election this November, they MUST acquire (either one), two hundred and seventy college electoral votes.

Can the Democrats do it? YES WE CAN: So let us work HARD, FEVERISHLY, UN-WAVERINGLY and RELENTLESSLY from this moment on.



Monday, August 25, 2008

Russia Tells NATO-We Don't Need You!

August 25-2008:

Russia Tells NATO-We Don't Need You!


The Russian president said today that Russia doesn't need NATO. We could stand on our own without being aligned or shackled to them. Or words to that effect.

In other words, what Russia is saying to the west are the following. Russia has regained it's economic, political, and military might. And they are not going to allow any political block to spurn or dictate to them, how they should manage their foreign affairs.

And this is the attitude that Russia seem to be taking lately. They are asserting themselves within their sphere of influence or former colonies. And expects the West to butt out from now on!

August 20-2008:


Could Western Style Democracy Be Applied In Afghanistan-Pakistan & Iraq?

For centuries these states were operated and controlled by Warlords, Sheiks, and Fiefdoms. That is all they know, and are comfortable with. The mentality primarily of these people are biased in favor of the personality of some individual, who has the collective confidence and trust of the local tribes or community.

He is the 'Go To' person, director and pacifier of all social and cultural mores obtained therein.
Thus making these leaders almost absolute rulers among them!

So whenever something that would impact these people generally, it must get the approval of the Mullahs, Sheiks, Warlords and Fiefs, before the community embraces it.

And western style democracy contradicts this kind of arbitrary decision making leadership or dictatorship that these people know, believe in, and accept as natural.


August 15-2008:

Who Coined The Phrase Third World Country?

I have always pondered this question, and I presume that it means the following:
A so called Third World Country could be categorized by the following elements.

* A country that is economically poor or dis-advantaged.

* A country that has little or no industrial base, very limited exports, and a high degree of illiteracy.

* A country that may of may not practice democracy, may or may not have general elections periodically, or may be administered by the military or a civilian dictator with military support.

However, most Third World countries were former colonies, or formerly controlled by some foreign power. And when they eventually got their internal independence, (some without permission to engage in foreign trade, or have an army for defense purposes), were so economically poor with very little internal infrastructure know how or administrative skills.

Thus requiring them to seek those skills from their former colonizers, or contracted workers from without, with the special skills that they need.
Most of these countries depend on foreign oil to fuel whatever internal industries they have.

Which also drains the limited foreign exchange they may be able to garner from foreign trade.



Saturday, August 23, 2008

Democrats-The Is The Time For SPECIFICS!

August 23-2008:

Democrats-This Is The Time For SPECIFICS!

Now that we have our Vice President on the ticket. Let us get down to the SUBSTANCE of what we are going to do for the American people in the next four years:

* The Economy, Employment, Local Industrial Development, and Foreign Trade Regulations for Big Businesses:

* Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security funding, and availability to all Americans:

* Troops' withdrawals from Iraq and deploying some to Afghanistan:

Local energy initiatives, such as Ethanol/Sugar Cane Growing initiatives, Wind Mills and Solar Panel Construction initiatives. Oil drilling offshore may be long term, too long term to be realized within the next eight years.

* Making College Education and access to all high school graduates. After doing some community service work such as Advocacy, Food Pantry volunteering, Veteran Hospital volunteering, and encouraging youths to re-consider serving in our armed services:

* New Orleans & Mississippi victims initiatives, new and affordable homes for them, and educational/skill building initiatives:

These are just some of the MAJOR areas that need SPECIFICITY, so that All Americans will understand what can be expected to be on the immediate agenda, after attaining the White House in 2009.



Friday, August 22, 2008

Why Are The Chinese So Obsessed With Acquiring Gold Medals?


Why Are The Chinese So Obsessed With Acquiring Gold Medals?

I watched an interview tonight on Channel-13 about China's obsession with Gold Medals for their athletes.

But what this European reporter from China failed to realize is this.

Under Communist Ruled China, all Chinese athletes, entertainers, acrobats, educational and military personnel, are expected to strive for excellence. China will not accept less for their people. The Olympic Gold medal is a symbol of Championship achievement.

But in the eyes of the Chinese Communist Party and Government, it also means Excellence, and they expect all of their athletes to achieve Gold medals.

Gold is the only category that the Chinese would accept as satisfactory performance!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Perves Musharaf Leaves With Dignity-But Russia Digs In!

August 18-2008:


President Musharaf Leaves With Dignity:

It was the best decision to make under the circumstances of impending impeachment charges. It is always better to SAVE FACE, than to be dragged into a prolonged Parliamentary enquiry and investigation of his past performances. Only to be eventually charged with impeachment.

That would be detrimental to his legacy, and chances for a return to politics in the future..

Pakistani's may very well consult with him for his re-entry into politics in the future. Should the current administration fail to deliver on their promises. Or is unable to do anything positive in terms of economic progress, internal peace and security, and the reigning in of Al Qaeda and Taliban elements.



Russia Intends To Leave A Scorched Earth Behind!

Yes, Russia intends to leave behind so much destruction of Georgia's infrastructure, and inability to rebuild soon. So that they would know just how vulnerable and weak they are. All visible to the international community. Big Bully Russia, is going to continue saying 'we are leaving,' but continue to create enough frustration in Tbilisi, and among the Georgian population, as per their true intentions.

But they will eventually leave Georgia proper. But will ensure that the breakaway states have the agents, administration, and spies, to ensure that Russia stays in control.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here Is A Reality Check For Those Who Think!

August 17-2008:

Here Is A Reality Check For Those Who Think!

When Adolf Hitler's Nazi Axis forces invaded Poland, and subsequently overran most of Europe. The UK was so humiliated militarily, that Winston Churchill told President Roosevelt that the English Speaking White western hemisphere must be saved from this Evil Specter.

Roosevelt asked him how could he help in the war effort.

The rest is history!
Today the EU is promising to incorporate Georgia finally, into the N.A.T.O. community. It took another war among them to create this opportunity for Georgia's consideration.

But in Africa, it does not matter who kills whom, whose life or ethnicity is threatened. All that the O.A.U. does is to TALK-TALK-TALK. Nothing productive or meaningful ever gets done. That is why the president of Sudan, the situation in the Congo-Somalia, and Robert Mugabe's illegal ascension to power in Zimbabwe once again.

Thanks to president Tabo Embeke of South Africa for protecting this dictator for so long.
Because they all contribute to the same mentality.
And this is the reality on the continent of Africa, that is yet to be realized by most scholars on that continent.

Pan Africanism is no longer relevant in Africa today!



Saturday, August 16, 2008


August 15-2008:

Who Is The REAL Democratic Nominee?

It seems like Senator Barack Obama owes Senator Hillary Clinton something very precious, for him to be conceding to her seeming demands at the un-coming Democratic Convention!

Does Barack Obama really think that those 'hard and fast' Hillary supporters really care about this pre-arranged fanfare?

This is an embarrassing gesture on Barack Obama's behalf. And I am very dis-appointed in him for allowing her to dominate a convention that is not hers.

If Barack Obama cannot stand up to Hillary Clinton. How can he stand up to Russia, Iran, or North Korea's dictatorships?

I am extremely dis-appointed with this accommodation to Hillary Clinton!



August 15-2008:

Who Coined The Phrase Third World Country?

I have always pondered this question, and I presume that it means the following:

A so called Third World Country could be categorized by the following elements.

* A country that is economically poor or dis-advantaged.

* A country that has little or no industrial base, very limited exports, and a high degree of illiteracy.

* A country that may of may not practice democracy, may or may not have general elections periodically, or may be administered by the military or a civilian dictator with military support.

However, most Third World countries were former colonies, or formerly controlled by some foreign power. And when they eventually got their internal independence, (some without permission to engage in foreign trade, or have an army for defense purposes), were so economically poor with very little internal infrastructure know how or administrative skills.

Thus requiring them to seek those skills from their former colonizers, or contracted workers from without, with the special skills that they need.
Most of these countries depend on foreign oil to fuel whatever internal industries they have.

Which also drains the limited foreign exchange they may be able to garner from foreign trade.



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Angry & Bitter Worker Kills Democratic Party Chairman!

August 14-2008:

Angry & Bitter Worker Kills Democratic Party Chairman!

Recently, an angry, disgruntled and bitter former employee shot and killed, the Democratic Party Chairman of Arkansas. This man was allegedly 50 years of age.
Some weeks or months ago, Senator Barack Obama alluded to this phenomenon within the USA, and was publicly spurned by his rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign, and the local media.

They said that he was aloof, elitist, un-sympathetic to the needs of the common hard working people, out of touch, and in-experienced. Because of similar remarks he made of the above mentioned phenomena.

However, Senator Barack Obama's words was validated with this very graphic act and killing, of a person who was perceived as responsible for the economic woes of that state, and that individual's lot.

Be slow to judge someone's opinion. Because they may be on to something!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Schism Within The Dalai Lama's Movement In Tibet!

August 13-2008:

The Schism Within The Dalai Lama's Movement In Tibet!

Today there is a great divide among the Dalai Lama's followers, and those who oppose his form of rulership, theology, and politics. The Dalai Lama left Tibet fifty years ago, when the Communists overran Tibet. He took refuse in India, and from there administers to followers there, and in Tibet.

Most Tibetans who grew up under Communist rule, were not allowed to study the Dalai Lama's form of Buddhism, or even know who or what he is to the Tibetan people and region. Most of the young people have no spiritual or political connection with him, because of their Communist orientation and bias. So it would be almost impossible for the Dalai Lama to get them to recognize him as their spiritual leader, and political head of government in exile.

In fact, most young Chinese Tibetans believe that the Dalai Lama is a traitor, Anti-China, Anti-Communist, and aught to be imprisoned for defying the legitimacy of Chinese Communist rule of Tibet. With this internal schism within Tibet and India, among the Dalai Lamas followers, and those who distrust him. Have caused some concern for the future of the Dalai Lama, and how to convince the Chinese government in terms of giving Tibet autonomy, internal governance, and freedom of religion.

Even after the Dalai Lama himself denounced all those Tibetan Buddhist lamas, who refuse to recognize him as their spiritual and political leader!


Monday, August 11, 2008

Russia's Deliberate Invasion Of Georgian Territory!

August 11-2008:

Russia's Deliberate Invasion Of Georgian Territory!

Now it seems like Russian troops are hell bent on invading Georgia's sovereign territory. All signs on the ground lead to this conclusion. Even after the Georgian president indicated to them, that they had no intention of prolonging this conflict. And that they are prepared to cease firing.
But the Russians have not heeded this truce proposal.

I firmly believe that if Russia invades Georgia's territory, the US must ask the president of Georgia if they need it's assistance to disable any tanks or destroyers from Russia, that have violated Georgia's territory.
After all, Georgia is an ally of the USA, and if such territorial violations occur on any territory, of any US ally.

Then it is incumbent upon the US to intervene if called upon to do so, by the country invaded!


PS: Is this another invasion like Afghanistan in the 1970's by Russia?

Saturday, August 09, 2008


August 09-2008:

The ISI-(Pakistan's Internal Security Organization Is Still Taliban Friendly!
Let it be clearly stated, that the Pakistan ISI organization that was formerly associated with The Taliban & Al Qaeda elements, still harbors sympathizers within that support, inform, and aid Taliban and Al Qaeda elements inside Pakistan's border regions with Afghanistan. President Perves Musharaf was seemingly trying to rid his country of the above elements. But he knows that it is futile to believe that was possible, after having collaborative relations with these Mujahdeen elements for decades. The US may threaten all they want, but Pakistan has it's internal security to think about. And leaning on the Taliban Masjids, and their Al Qaeda friends and allies will backfire severely, on any government bent on so doing! Derryck. NYC. ---------------------------------------
CityGroup Corp Pays 100 Millions Dollars In Fines!
WORD-UP: CityGroup said today that they would have to buy back 100 million dollars in Securities' Funds that became sour, as fines for a fraudulent scheme. But according to them, that money would not make a dent in their bottomline! Imagine that, this mega vampiristic corporation has the temerity to pout at the Feds penalty! Derryck. NYC. ---------------------------------------- WORD-UP:
Mr. Hamdan (Asama Bin Laden's Driver) Will Only Serve Five Months More In Jail:
Yes, Asama Bin Laden's chauffeur was today given five months penalty for his alleged crime by association with the spiritual leader of Al Qaeda. Both sides claimed that the verdict was just. But the George W. Bush administration may not hold the same view. However, I believe that Mr. Hamdan was not privy to any plans or planning for Al Qaeda. As a chauffeur, he would not be allowed Privy to such meetings or summits that would discuss such plans. And it is common knowledge that chauffeurs do just what they are hired for. Drive their bosses, clean and ensure that the car or vehicle is in good order and readiness. And some chauffeurs even have to do their bosses shopping, and take home and from school, his children and wives too. Derryck. NYC. --------------------------------------
My Husband Is Not at Home!
Traditionally, Japanese men were oriented to treat their wives as child bearing objects, and home makers. They are expected to provide children for their husbands, and take care of children. Japanese men are not romantic by nature. Foreplay is not something they do normally with their wives. If the Japanese male wants sexual pleasure, he goes to a sex worker or prostitute. Both male and female prostitutes satisfy such needs. And Japanese men do not have a problem with seeking such services, like we do here in the Christian oriented Western hemisphere. There is a saying in Japan that says. "My husband is not at home." Meaning, sexual pleasure is not a big deal in marriage situations! Derryck. NYC.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The World's Leaders Dance The Olympic Samba!

August 07-2008:
The World's Leaders Dances The Olympic Samba?

* Angela Merkel was against going to the China Olympic opening from the outset.

* Now she says that she cannot go because it would interrupt her vacation.

* The British prime Minister said he is not going because it would conflict with his schedule. But he intends to go to the closing ceremony.

* The French President Nicola Sacosa said that he is now going. He was against going to this opening some months ago.

* George W. Bush said that he too was going ever since. But now he says that he is going to support the US athletes taking part:

* But George W Bush took the opportunity to voice Lip Service against China's human rights Violations in Malaysia today, en route to china.

* The Canadian Prime Minister also said he was not going to the opening ceremony.


All of these political leaders do not want to cause diplomatic or trade problems with China. But they do feel that they have to say something about China's Human Rights record. Just to appease the masses internationally.

But the masses internationale are not fooled by all this rhetoric in the least!


Monday, August 04, 2008

Offshore Drilling MUST Be Considered!

August 04-2008:


Offshore Drilling MUST Be Considered!

Hitherto, most American environmentalists declared, that offshore drilling for crude oil is a NO-NO!

Today, with the harsh reality, and continuous rising gas prices. Most of these so-called tree huggers and environmentalists, would welcome drilling in their own backyards.

Barack Obama was against drilling offshore. Now he welcomes that possibility, in light of the current oil crisis.

Barack Obama supporters MUST prepare themselves to accept certain economic realities, as we go down the road to the national elections.

Holding Barack Obama RIGIDLY to his former positions on OIL drilling, NAFTA, and the Internet Snooping Bill, does nothing for progress, reality, or pragmatism.

Flip Flopping (as some say), when necessary is good, in order to move forward economically and politically, in this election campaign process!


Saturday, August 02, 2008

China-Let My People Go!

August 02-2008:


China-Let My People Go!

Until China recognizes the Dalai Lama as the Spiritual and Supreme Leader and Figurehead of all Tibetans, they will never be able to prevent Tibetans from dissenting against China's rule. All that the Dalai Lama wants from China is Self Governance, and Political Autonomy.

If that is given Tibet, they will accept China as their country, and the Communist Party as their supreme rulers.

In Buddhist philosophy, it is taught that in one's life, BALANCE MUST be sought and maintained. If there is no balance between the physical body, and the inner mind or spirit, then suffering will ensue very soon.

The Buddhist way and beliefs are very simple.

* Live a peaceful life.

* Promote peaceful actions in ones life and villages.

* Never use violence to achieve anything:

The Karmic law, or the law of cause and effect, is Buddhist in concept. Buddhists also believe that the state, like the human soul has to pay a price for actions detrimental to maintaining the balance in all things.

Just how long can the younger Buddhist followers are able to restrain themselves from violent protest for Independence of Tibet, is anyone's guess!
