Monday, December 31, 2007

Have A Happy & Pleasant New Year-2008!

Happy New Year Everyone!

May this New Year-2008 be the year when all that you hope for will be realized.
Om Shanti.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Political Climate In Pakistan & US Relations Currently:

December 29-2007:

How Does The Political Climate In Pakistan Affect The US Elections In 2008!

I am sure many people are contemplating the socio-political climate in Pakistan currently. With the assassination of Ms. Benazir Bhutto, a one time Prime Minister, Autocrat, Political Dictator, and a member of a popular indigenous family. I would like to highlight some of the things the US should not be too much involved in, or even contemplate getting involved in.

* The internal political climate, violence, and proposed national elections are indigenous matters for Pakistan only. And aught to be perceived in that light!

* No foreign government, super power, or political ally should feel that it is their right or responsibility to DICTATE to the government or political administration in that country at this time, or any other time.

* Of course, the situation there is very troubling. But Pakistan has had previous experiences with such internal squabbles and violence before. And emerged in the end victorious, and has been able to somehow maintain some semblance of political and judicial normalcy.

* No presidential candidate here in the US should get so bog down in speculating on the situation over there. Which might hinder or prevent them from keeping their attention focused on domestic affairs, global affairs, and what matters most to the majority of Americans.

* And finally, whatever outcome emerges from the situation in Pakistan politically. There is nothing that the US could do, but to accept that fact, when it becomes a reality.

Let us all hope that some sanity, reason, and normalcy will prevail!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What Does Globalization Really Mean?

December 25-2007:

What Does Globalization Really Mean?

Well here are two dictionary definitions:

* Growth to a global or worldwide scale:

* The Globalization of the communication industry:

According to the above definition, it seems to suggest that communication is the key to Globalization. Nothing was said about out sourcing of labor, the production processes, or the assembling of products cheaply overseas. Most people today globally are unable to truly explain what Globalization mean, how it works, who benefits in the long term, and which countries gain or losses the most. However, I am going to explore some of these same concerns a bit further. Because it is also one of my major concerns currently.

I believe that countries that do not have the technical know how, the skills in their national labor force, or the infrastructure to easily accommodate or move from the traditional way of the production process, such as labor intensive agrarian production, labor intensive commercial advertising, labor intensive packing processes, and labor intensive planting, reaping, and harvesting processes, are the ones that will suffer the most from Globalization.

Such countries must allow or consider allowing the necessary corporate skills to be imported into their economies, with restrictions and regulations, as to how these injections will be implemented, managed, supervised, and distributed.

The political administration allied with the private sector should come together on such ventures as collaborators for these much needed economic changes. If government could align themselves with the private sector on certain national economic policies, desires, or necessities. All will benefit from this idea.

Both must be prepared to take whatever losses or gains derived therefrom also. And both must be prepared to prepare their workers, and populations on future economic needs, projected within any given period, in these countries. And with a national policy or plan for economic growth, survival, and purpose clearly spelled out nationally, via the media, community press, local media, and official gazettes. Every citizen and worker who is gainfully employed or not, would be prepared mentally and psychologically for what is to come.

The Shock Treatment of Globalization or global investment, out sourcing, and brain draining will be less feared, when people know that their government is striving to protect the working classes from total exploitation from foreign investors. Or that the commercial enterprises are on board with the government on any national policy that would be of benefit to both private investors, the working classes, and foreign investors alike.

Of course natural disasters like earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, and forest fires, which could hamper any internal plan or developmental process MUIST be planned for. Monies set aside for national disaster pre-paredness, and systems put in place for national warnings in case of a tsunami, hurricanes, or earthquakes.

Finally, Globalization is here to stay. And any country that does not prepare their economy or working people for these changes, will suffer the most from these exploits. Poor or poorer countries with little or no modern infrastructural systems in place to accommodate changes in the production, manufacturing, and services industries. Will suffer the most, if they fail to make the necessary preparations for it.

Poor countries or economies must seek help or assistance from anyone or any country that is willing to invest in their survival or economy. But must also be prepared to accommodate investors with some tax moratoriums or tax incentives. To lure them into these economies at the earlier stages of this investment.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Consumer Racket In The USA:

December 21-2007:

The Consumer Advertising Racket In America Today Is Monstrous!

Americans believe that they are free to chose whatever they want to eat, where to live, when of if to vote, and to aspire to whatever position that life has to offer economically and socially. But what they are made to believe, is that in order to qualify for any home loan, presidential position, or participate in any economic venture.

They must have a history of CREDIT. Credit will ensure that they qualify for loans, or financial assistance for mortgages from the banks, in order to make those aspirations realizable. So most Americans plunge head long into debt, just to satisfy the Capitalistic greed for profits by whatever means necessary.

I came to this country from Guyana, formerly British Guiana, where as a boy growing up we were told to AVOID credit or indebtedness by any means necessary. And the only reason for borrowing money or seeking credit from the local grocery, or banking institution, was in times of DIRE need, such as a funeral in the family, and operation or medical procedure that is very costly, or to assist in paying for shelter or rent, when a fire destroys one's home.

When I came to the USA, I was told that everyone must have one or more credit cards, in order to get certain (perceived needs or necessaries), in order to build up one's credit history. When I asked why would anyone incur debts or unnecessary credit, just to show some bank that they are eligible for a mortgage or loan. I was told that it is the way things are done here.

So this kind of mentality as I see it, has resulted in a national crisis for most Americans. Most of whom do not have any savings in the bank. Are unable to meet their mortgage payments (as per schedule) most times, and is always in debt to some Credit Card company, for some thing or things that they could have avoided. Just because they could swipe that Credit card in any store, and get some commodity at will.

Today, the nation is in a mortgage crisis, because of mortgage loans that have gone sour, due to un-employment, falling property values, high cost of living, and other factors that influence consumer behavior generally. All because Americans are programmed, coerced, and brainwashed daily, via the media, TV, and newspapers, and constantly being told that they need to buy, buy, buy, more things that are presumed necessary.

Remember George W. Bush telling the nation after the 911 World Trade Center disaster, to go shopping, not to worry, keep alert, and the government security agencies will keep them safe!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ensuring Freedom Of Expression On The Internet:

December 21-2007:

Some Ways To Avoid State Scrutiny Of Information Sharing!

We live in a global environment that sometimes could be very limiting in terms of what gets published globally. The Internet or Web has brought us some latitude in terms of how much, or to whom such information could be freely shared. But does not prevent Internet Service Providers from co-operating with certain governments to prevent or inhibit the FREE sharing of information, with whomever a client wants to share with.

So that is when the Internet user has to create or resort to other devious means to get information out to the world that is deemed necessary, or warrants public viewing, scrutiny, or knowledge. So I have come up with the following suggestions that may help those of us who are so inhibited or prevented from sharing information outside of our Regional, State, or ISP parameters.

* Establish a network of e-mail friends of like minds, interests, and concerns.

* Ask them to assist you in FORWARDING e-mail or information to other e-mail users in the network, so that VITAL news or information could be sent to those areas or regions, that are kept out, or blacked out of the allowable parameters.

* Choose reliable, credible, and dependable friends or network buddies to join you in this venture, whenever it becomes necessary for such information to reach the world wide web en-masse.

* You can also Copy & Paste the original e-mail from the sender, to a Word Document, and publish the same document in another e-mail, without the address of the original sender.

* And put a note at the top of the e-mail that says: "The original sender/source of this document is credible and reliable. But the identity of that source had to be removed, for personal safety and security."

Finally, if you do not strive to maintain the freedom of expression that the Internet or Web espouses in it's genesis. Then we will become victims of the same local, national, and state controlled media outlets that we have become accustomed listening to, or watching. The same state controlled, censored, and partisan journalism that inhibits free speech, free thoughts, and freedom of expression.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

The World's Insatiable Appetite For Illicit Drugs:

December 16-2007:

The Insatiable Demand For Illegal Drugs Worldwide:

The War On Drugs In Afghanistan:

In Afghanistan it is a losing battle for the following reasons:

* Poppy growing in the outskirts of that country, especially among the poorest

farmers has a very lengthy history:

* Telling poor farmers to stop growing poppy, and plant other cash crops without guarantees and subsidies will never be accepted there.

* The poppy growing farmers are given up front money for crops that has not even been sown.

* Because of poverty and indebtedness among most farmers. The Drug Lords prosper via loan sharking contracts.

* Many farmers tried growing the suggested crops from seeds given to them by the Karzai government. But when the crops were harvested most of these farmers could not deliver same to the markets. Or even reap these crops in time for selling them miles away from the fields.

* Most poppy farmers have little of no education or other skills to survive in any other trade or working environment. So the Talban, the War Lords, and El Qaeda knows this, and is willing to bribe these people with sums of money for growing this very lucrative crop.

* Drugs on the international markets bring millions of dollars in trade, which finances the cost for guns, munitions, food, infrastructure, and other essentials to these terrorist groups worldwide.

Without Demand-The Supply Of Drugs Will Evaporate:

America's war on drugs can never be won because the demand is greater right here in American for every kind of illegal drug. Americans will go at great lengths to acquire these illegal drugs from any country, state, region, or party that could keep the supply flowing into the USA. And to ensure that the people who could hinder this trade are properly compensated. Which includes political representatives, border agents, senators, judges, immigration officials,the police, and private investors throughout this country.

American's insatiable appetite for illegal or recreational drugs are un-imaginable. And is the world's principal market, distribution centers, and international money laundering clearinghouse for the billions of US dollars that are realized from this illicit trade.

Can Afghanistan Win Their war on Drugs & Internal Terror?

The war on drugs and terror in Afghanistan MUST be seen and addressed as ONE entity. Because they both depend upon each other for survival, growth, and longevity. When you have a population that are three to one in illiteracy, where un-employment is rife throughout the land, where the government has never been totally in charge of the entire country administerially, and where the political and economic infrastructure is stricken with corruption, greed, and partisan alliances.

This war will take decades to reach some form of containment, much less victory. And the SPINGAR or (White Heroin) of Afghanistan is the best heroin money can buy. So the international demand is HUGE for it! Meanwhile the Taliban and El Qaeda is gaining ground in large provinces within the south of Afghanistan, where the government has very little overall supervision or control.

With an ever increasing and angry population, that are wary with promises from the central government that is never kept. The Taliban, the War Lords, and El Qaeda, will step in to fill the void with money, promises for a better livelihood, for those who are willing and brave enough to defy the government, grow poppy, or join these terrorist groups.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Traditional & Historical Definition Of The Word GAY:

December 15-2007"

The Historical & Traditional Definition Of The Word GAY:

When Nathaniel King Cole used the verse 'Don Me Now My Gay Attire,' in his Christmas song. He was referring to the traditional definition or meaning of that word. Which are the following.

* Very brightly colored clothing.

* Or very loud and vociferous behavior.

That has always been the view expressed by the word 'Gay Attire' or Behavior.
When in the 1980's the predominantly White or Caucasian Homosexual communities in the USA decided to use the word Gay to make a political statement. And to declare to their political representatives, that the homosexual community is entitled to the same JUSTICE under the laws, Equal Rights under the law,

Human Rights under the laws, and the same Equal Opportunities of Employment, Housing, Worship, Marriage, and Police Protection, like any other ethnic, political, social, or religious group on this planet.

Those openly and self-identified Gay or Homosexual men and women wanted to make it quite clear, that they were Queer, not by choice, but by biological and genetic makeup. And would not condone any discrimination of any sort against them, because of their sexual orientation, or sexual preference for people of the same gender, under the law..

Hitherto, most people in the western hemisphere used the word Gay very loosely, and never felt self-conscious, or targeted as homosexuals or lesbians.
But today in most western societies, the word GAY has taken on a different perception, which could lead to one being killed, raped, harassed, imprisoned, beheaded, or socially castigated as a misfit, or as a societal degenerate.

Which is unfortunate for the simple reason, that this word GAY is now seen and used very CONVIENTLY at Christmas time, to promote good cheer, peace, and friendliness.

But after the capitalistic Christmas fiesta is over. Then the word GAY is relegated to the back burner as unsavory, partisan, and even unholy!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Torture Of Any Kind Is Wrong-Evil & Inhumane:

December 11-2007:
Torture Of Any Kind Is EVIL-WRONG & INHUMANE:

Tonight I watched a clip on the BBC news of one notorious aspect of 'Water Boarding,' a form of torture that the US is accused of using at Guantanamo Bay. This form of torture is done in the following manner:

A prisoner or suspected terrorist prisoner is dunked by his head, face done in water. With his or her mouth covered to make the prisoner feel that he or she is about to be killed or drowned.

The US torture advocates claim that this method has brought some positive results or information, about plots or terrorist planned activities from some of these prisoners.

Any fool could deduce why such forms of torture will bring the 'so called' positive information.

If someone under those circumstances is being tortured via this means, or even by extremely loud noise all night in his or her cell, causing sleep deprivation, or threats to kill his or her relatives or families. What do you think that victim will say. But what his torturers want him or her to say?

I believe and I feel that most rational, humane, or civilized human beings will never accept torture of any kind, to extract information from any prisoner. These things were done by Adolph Hitler's Nazi & SS torturers, Colonel Pol Pot (former dictator of Cambodia, Idi Amin of Uganda (former dictator of Uganda), and many more well known dictators and despots worldwide.

Allowing this or any other form of torture to continue, is allowing governments and their secret security agencies to conduct any form of torture that they feel will bring the desired results.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Monday, December 10, 2007

George W. Bush's Mortgage Proposals?

December 10-2007:

The Truth About George W. Bush's Proposed Mortgage Bailout Proposals:


George W. Bush's Foreclosure bailout will not apply to most borrowers who are unable to, or will be unable to pay the increased or accumulated interests on their house mortgage in the future.

For example:

* If you do not have a job or is un-employed currently. This plan is not for you.

* If you did not read the terms or conditions of your mortgage carefully, and did not realize that your creditor has the right to increase your rate of interest, if you fail to pay the prescribed rates as per contract, and you will be unable to pay those rates in the future. Then this plan does not apply to you.

* And if you are unable to pay any increase in your current accrued mortgage rates, then this make you in-eligible for George Bush's proposed bailout assistance.


As I see it, this proposal will only help the upper middle classes, and those in the higher income brackets.


Sunday, December 09, 2007


December 06-2007:


VP-Dick Cheney Is Now Playing Prophet:

Vice President Dick Cheney has predicted that Iran will become a democracy by the time he leaves office, (according to the BBC news today).

Imagine that, Uncle Dick is now playing Prophet for the future of Iran.

I hope that he could predict his and his crony George W. Bush's FATE in the very near future, in terms of health, political reality, and other administrative concerns pertaining to their roles as President and Vice President of The USA.


December 04-2007:

Why Did We As A Specie Ever Came Into Existence?

Firstly, I do not believe in the religious and traditional concepts of Genesis, Darwin's theory, or even Intelligent design either.

* Why do humans feel that there was a purpose for us being here?

* And for what reason or reasons?

Then it hits me. All of humanity needs oxygen, water, food, and protection from the cosmic or natural elements for our survival. By some stroke of luck, adaptability, or creativity, we are still here, and still trying to survive on this planet as a specie.

Us humans never created air, water, mineral resources, or the plants and animals that we use to survive on this planet.

Therefore, why would someone or something create us, only to destroy what we have been allowed to share, and even survive on?

In fact, ever since humans came into existence on this planet, we have been consistently doing things that hamper the life and longevity of this very same planet that we occupy, and depend on for our own existence. So why should rational thinking people believe that we were placed or created to serve some invisible intelligence, or being?

Whom we know nothing about really. Nor do we know who or what this thing or being expects us to do for it. While at the same time, we are unable to even determine how long we have to live as individuals or collectively on this planet!

Personally, I believe that this planet is an anomaly. The only one of it's kind in our solar system!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Why Did We As A Specie Ever Came Into Existence?

December 04-2007:

Why Did We As A Specie Ever Came Into Existence?

Firstly, I do not believe in the religious and traditional concepts of Genesis, Darwin's theory, or even Intelligent design either.

* Why do humans feel that there was a purpose for us being here?

* And for what reason or reasons?

Then it hits me. All of humanity needs oxygen, water, food, and protection from the cosmic or natural elements for our survival. By some stroke of luck, adaptability, or creativity, we are still here, and still trying to survive on this planet as a specie.

Us humans never created air, water, mineral resources, or the plants and animals that we use to survive on this planet.

Therefore, why would someone or something create us, only to destroy what we have been allowed to share, and even survive on?

In fact, ever since humans came into existence on this planet, we have been consistently doing things that hamper the life and longevity of this very same planet that we occupy, and depend on for our own existence. So why should rational thinking people believe that we were placed or created to serve some invisible intelligence, or being?

Whom we know nothing about really. Nor do we know who or what this thing or being expects us to do for it. While at the same time, we are unable to even determine how long we have to live as individuals or collectively on this planet!

Personally, I believe that this planet is an anomaly. The only one of it's kind in our solar system!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, December 03, 2007

America's Problem With Obesity:

December 03-2007:


Most Americans Will Never Be Able To Maintain A Healthy Diet!
Most Americans or those who have emigrated here from abroad, and have inculcated the cultural attitudes of most Americans. Will never be able to maintain a healthy diet, practice proper nutritional habits, or maintain the weight that is in keeping with their individual height and metabolism, for the following reasons:

* Most Americans cannot cook or prepare a proper meal at home.

* Most Americans depend upon others to cook, prepare, deliver, and cater to their daily food intake.

* Most Americans are culturally oriented to feel that eating out at restaurants, diners, takeouts, and delis, are the easiest way to get a quick meal, or to obtain a meal that they prefer, desire, or cannot prepare themselves.

* Thousands of Americans are unable to maintain a proper or healthy diet because of poverty, ignorance of proper nutrition, or was never taught proper nutrition and the importance of it for maintaining good health, and longevity.

* Millions of Americans below the poverty line, earning less than ($16,000.00) dollars per year, depends on food pantries, food stamps, and other means to eat on a daily basis. These people will never be able to eat healthy, maintain proper nutritional habits, or afford to cook nutritional foods regularly, or continually.

Therefore, all or most of the above factors influences the types of food or meals that most Americans eat daily, and influences the inability to maintain a steady weight, or keep from becoming Fat, Obese, or Overweight period!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


December 03-007:


Hugo Chavez's Constitutional Reform Bill Was Defeated:
Yes, Venezuelan President-Hugo Chavez was defeated by 51 to 49 votes, in a national election referendum yesterday. Even some of his staunch supporters would now allow him to have powers that would make him president for life, declare emergency powers indefinitely, or wanton take overs of foreign companies.

The people said on no uncertain terms, that 'enough was enough' at this time. Mr Chavez said that he lost the battle this time around, and acceded to defeat! If Venezuelans only know just how close they came to TOTALITARIANISM.

But fate was on the side of the opposers, and those who care for the continuation and preservation of democracy in that country!

December 02-2007:


George W. Bush Finally Got It Right:

Someone said that George W. Bush has finally got it right, after seven years of trying to figure where to multiply and divide, to get the correct answers.

But wait until he gets to logarithms!


What Are The Jobless Or Un-employed To Do?

Most Americans would say to someone who ask for help on the street, if he or
she is looking for a JOB. Some would even tell him or her 'Go find A Job.'

And yet, these same Americans will tell the media or their political reps to have the illegals or Spanish people REMOVED from the highways and roadside, when they assemble to be picked up by employers, who are looking for temporary labor from this community.

The natives didn't tell the starving settlers at Jamestown to learn to plant food crops! What on earth does Americans really want the poor or the unemployed to do?

Most people who are moved to help others, do so out of conscience, or feel that it must be done. These people are REAL humans. This display of real humanity for others are not done by heroes, but by people who did what they perceive to be necessary at the time!
