December 03-2005:
What Is Evil & What Is Good?
EVIL: Morally objectionable behavior:
GOOD: Moral excellence or admirableness:
For centuries humankind have been battling with the concepts of Good & Evil. Religions have sprung-up, purporting to explain, the origin and realities of the two elements that affects all humankind. Even in this century, humans are still explaining culturally, what is Evil or Good, and what culture or religious theory takes precedence in explaining truthfully, what these elements are, and how they can be controlled.
* The Beginning Of Human Time:
I do not subscribe to the Christian concept of the human Genesis. Nor do I subscribe to Darwin's theory of human evolution. Personally, I see the scientific theories as being more feasible for the following reasons:
* Science is based on a certain Formula: S=M=Q:
1. S-means it must be seen:
2.M-means that is must be measured:
3.Q- means that it must be quantifiable:
A: Religion therefore does not qualify, because it is based on faith:
B: The Darwin theory is unable to connect the presumed Monkey/Ape genes, with human genetics-anatomy-physiognomy, and intelligence.
* The Scientific Theories:
I am not a scientist in any way, shape or form, but I have read scientific theories that tries to explain this universe, using science to explain how it may have evolved.
a.The Black Hole theory is one of them:
b. The Big Bang theory is another:
c. And there is a more recent school of thought that presumes, humans came from some other planet in this universe, as a survival necessity, resulting from some war of extinction on some other planet or solar system.
d. And this other planet, have not been discovered by us humans as yet.
* My View Of Human Evolution:
I believe that the universe as we know it "WAS, IS, & WILL ALWAYS BE A REALITY."
It was never created: Because if it was, then one would have to validate it's creator: And the question goes on perpetually for the validation of that creator's creator, and so on, and so on, to infinity!
I also believe that the universe/cosmic, consists of invisible & visible forces. Call them protons-electrons-molecules, etc. These forces/energy have always been in the invisible or infinite, and with time evolved into matter, of different forms and substance, with time.
I also believe that all invisible energy has no light (as we know or understand it to be). Light to us means, Sun Rays: Electricity: Illumination: Sparks: Meteors: etc. These are all part of the metamorphoses of invisible energy evolving overtime into visible energy. Resulting in Planets-Stars-Suns-Moons, etc.
* When Did This Process Begin?
No one knows when this physical universe/cosmic became visible, because I presume no human form as we understand it were present at that time. And if they were, no records/evidence was ever found to validate this presumption. Suffice it to say that humans came into existence on this planet, at different intervals, and in different regions on this planet, without knowing of each other's separate existence for centuries.
* Intelligence:
The human animal/organism over the centuries have come to the realization of itself, it's existence, and intelligence, gradually, by trial, error, accident, natural phenomena, and survival adaptability. Every generation since the genesis of humans on this planet had to observe, learn, memorize, fight, and manage to stay alive, and to procreate.
With each experience, phenomena, or natural disaster, humans managed to prevail, despite the severe losses they suffered in numbers. They learned how to defend themselves from attacking animals: They learned how to hunt and eventually grow their food: They learned how nature operates to some extent: They also learned how to protect themselves from nature's harmful elements.
Most of the time humans generally, ascribed superstitious beliefs to those things they did not understand, of could not comprehend or explain. Humans created Gods, (visible ones mostly), to appease when they felt the need to. In human and animal sacrifices at different times, and did in almost every region on this planet.
* The Genesis Of Good & Evil:
a. No one knows how the concepts of Good & Evil came about. But Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all other religions, have their concepts of these elements.
b. How it shapes our beliefs, morality, and even behavior, in every culture known to humankind.
Evil & Good according to the definition at the beginning of this dossier, explains the differences from culture to culture. And because of this difference of perception and acts. Laws, Regulations, attitudes, religious beliefs, and morals, have all been shaped, to facilitate these cultural and religious beliefs, in every culture known to humankind.
* Heaven & Earth:
a. Christianity & Islam, and I guess other religions have preached about some place where Evil lives/dwells. And the same for heaven, as a place where Good resides. Their followers are cautioned not to disobey/obey the prescribed Religious doctrines, Fatwahs, Laws, or Catechism, that is used to keep the flock in moral obedience or compliance with these doctrines.
b. Failing to obey them, will result in a destiny after physical death, to a hellish place for eternity. Those that do good, observe the laws or doctrines for goodness, will end up in Heaven, after physical death.
c. There is another place that you go to as a temporary place for cleansing of sins, purported by The Roman Catholics. And that place is Purgatory. According to them, this place is for sinners, who die in Sin, but will be redeemed after Jesus is resurrected some time again in the future.
NOTE: They call this time "The End Time.'
b. And Revelations, in The Christian Bible makes reference to this theory!
* Where Is This Hell & Heaven Located?
This planet Earth (is spherical), and it revolves around the Sun for it's sustenance. It also floats (like all planets do), in an OPEN & Perpetual VOID called Our Solar System or Universe.
a. Thefore, where is the ABOVE or BELOW Position?
b. Where is this Hell or Heaven located?
c. And where is this Purgatory located?
Could anyone explain these paradoxes for me please!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advocate.
I was Christened in childhood (A Roman Catholic):
I denounced this faith/religion in my adolescence:
I currently consider myself "A Free Thinker."