Sunday, November 13, 2005

Education-The Curriculum & Excellence:

November 12-2005:
What should our public schools and college's curriculum reflect, for educating our children?
1.The activities of educating or instructing or teaching.
2. Activities that impart knowledge or skill.
3. Knowledge acquired by learning and instruction.
1. An ability that has been acquired by training.
2. Ability to produce solutions in some problem.
In light of the definitions outlined above, I contend that preparing our children for the world of work, career, or vocation, starts with a solid foundation in all of the above pre-requisites.
The ability or in-ability of our public schools and colleges to adequately prepare students to fit in, or compete on a global level, with the knowledge and skills to make them employable, productive, efficient, and marketable, will be the determining factor in our economic wealth and health as a nation globally.
Health Concerns & Career Goal Orientation:
From the grade school levels, all students should be taught the basics for preventative diseases, nutrition, essential exercises for physical health, forward planning, budgeting, and thrift. This will equip them with the tools for adult responsibilities, parenting, civic responsibilities, and national pride.
Adequate Schools/Colleges:
* Our schools/colleges must be equipped with tutors qualified in their respective disciplines.
* Ongoing training of faculty must be a priority, coupled with research, and fair emoluments, befitting the tasks.
* Scholarships and Grants must also be made available to students and pre-students. Especially those from poor communities where tuition may be desperately lacking for potential scholars.
Morality & Self-respect:
Political Philosophy, Human Psychology, and Morality, are all disciplines that will help to broaden the intellect, aid reasoned thinking, and help in the inculcation of personal values/morals.
These are just some of the developmental goals that our schools should be re-focusing on, if we are truly bent on academic improvements, and excellence from our children.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advocate.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy 25Th Anniversary Bet.Com:

Special Tribute To BET.Com, for the remarkable foresight, wisdom, continuity, and vision.
This media has given African Americans a place to air their talents, their dreams, their wishes & frustrations.
All in the name of love!
Happy Twenty-fifth Anniversary to you All!
Om Shanti.