Monday, August 14, 2006

Who Are The Mass Murderers?

Israel & Hesbollah's Fight Analyzed:

Because of Israel's incursion into Gaza. The destruction of the Palestinian infrastructure, like the water supplies, fuel oil, electricity, roads, houses and other social infrastructural buildings, and the killing of several Palestinians, especially children.
Hamas kidnapped the two Israeli soldiers, in retaliation to these offenses. These atrocities have caused Hesbollah (I presume), to take action, thus causing the subsequent military conflict with Israel and Hesbollah.
Today however, Israel has not humbled or defeated Hesbollah. As a matter of fact, Hesbollah is still standing TALL, undefeated, as promised by Israel at the outset.
Because of the tactical frustration that Hesbollah caused the Israeli army in the field of battle, they chose to destroy South Lebanon, leaving a scorched earth, and thousands of innocent civilians, (both adults and children), before the cease fire proposed by The UN.
So who is the MASS Murderer in this conflict?
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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