Sunday, August 13, 2006

All The King's Men Could'nt Get Humpty Together Again?

August 13-2006:

All The King's Horses & All The King's Men-Couldn't Get Humpty Together Again!

Well, history has not taught some nations anything. They continue to make the same mistakes militarily, over and over again. And they will continue to feel enormous pain and loss of human lives, if they continue to IGNORE the lessons of history.

The military conflict/war between Israel and Hesbollah is such a scenario. This new cease fire deal that the UN was able to coin, incidentally, will not hold indefinitely.

* So long as Israel holds on to lands that are not LEGALLY theirs.

* So long as they continue to subjugate Palestinians to their will and desires.

* So long as they will not allow a democratically elected government (HAMAS), to function legally, and to give Peace a try in Palestine, they will not have peace in that region.

* So long as Israel, The USA, and other countries, continue to castigate Hamas as a terrorist organization, and continue to strangle it's financial support for survival and daily sustenance. They will not have Peace in that region.

* And until Israel-The USA & her allies deal with Hamas as matured governments, with Integrity, Statesmanship, and with Trust, they will only continue to fuel the prejudices, dis-respect, and hate in that region between Israel, Palestine, and Hesbollah.

After all, Hamas, like Hesbollah are both political parties, with their own VOLUNTARY people's militia. And when they are confronted with aggression from without, they will unilaterally co-op all their supporters to fight that aggression.

The abduction of the two Israeli soldiers, and the war with Hesbollah, was triggered by the behavior of Israel in Gaza. The helicopter strikes and killing of innocent civilians, under the guise of seeking out terrorists.

And the continued destruction of Palestinian infrastructure, like oil, heat, electricity, water, and roads, that cripple or make Palestinians starve to death, could not be endured by humane people anywhere. So action had to be taken, so that the world will come to realize the gravity of this situation in that region.

So Hesbollah took the initiative (I presume), to make that statement%2

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