Thursday, August 17, 2006

Reflections Of A Baby Boomer!

August 16-2006:
Are You a Baby Boomer?

* Yes, I was born on March-05-1950, five years after World War-11. I was never consciously aware of the Korean war/conflict in the 1950's, because I was too young to understand.
* But I was old enough to understand the Vietnam War/conflict in the 1960's, and the social and political contradictions, regarding the rationale behind that conflict.
* I also was aware of the invasion of Grenada by US marines, initiated on President Ronald Reagan's directive.
* I can also recall in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy was in office. Long range missile sites were discovered in Cuba by satellite. And the American administration asked the Fidel Castro government to dismantle those sites, less they pose a threat to the USA.
* This warning went un-heeded by Cuba, thus causing America to impose a military embargo, by surrounding the entire island of Cuba with it's warships. Preventing anything from entering or leaving Cuba. Eventually the Cuban government acquiesce to this military posturing by the USA, and dismantled those missile sites.
* In the 1980's American evangelist Jim Jones and his People's Temple Church cult, took over 500 Americans (mostly) elderly Blacks and single parents with children to the hinterland of Guyana. Under the guise of providing a new life for his flock. It was subsequently discovered that the church organizers were into (under cover) drug dealing, and money laundering.
A Congressman named Ryan somehow was informed that some of his constituents were involved or trapped in this community, and he wanted to investigate. He eventually got killed as he was about to depart from a visit he made to that community at Jonestown, Guyana. This happened on the run away tarmac, as he was about to board the plane for the USA.
* When Egypt's president (Anwar Sadat) was assassinated, I was very aware and saddened by this development. Because he was the only Arab leader who felt that dealing with Israel, and acknowledging Israel as a sovereign state, was a reality that they would eventually have to accept.
* I also recall the 'Dismantling of the Berlin Wall,' at an impromptu people's action. This came after many years of hardships, murdering of fleeing escapees, and border traps, placed on the East German or Soviet Union sector of that wall, to prevent East Berliners from leaving.
* I was also overjoyed when South Africa gained it's freedom from APARTHEID. Mr. Nelson Mandella, the champion for the freeing of it's people, emerged from imprisonment. And eventually became the first Black President of the new South Africa.
* Desert Storm, the war in Afghanistan-2001, & now Iraq-2006.
Today, we are told by the current White House administration, that there is an international war on terrorism. And that preemptive defense is the best way to avoid terrorist threats.
Iran, North Korea, and Syria, was also referred to as "'The Axis Of Evil.''
* Hamas & Hesbollah, indigenous Freedom Fighters (alias Mujadeens) of Palestine and Lebanon, and referred to by some as terrorists, have made themselves heroes, by sacrificing themselves in the struggles for freedom from foreign incursions, occupations, and control.
Personally, I have always wanted to see the USA ever since I was a child in Guyana. I indulged in this dream for many years. And it became a reality in May-1989 when I emigrated here permanently!
I also see myself as an advocate for civil-social-political, and equal rights for those who are dis-enfranchised, dis-regarded, or unable to speak or represent themselves in this regard. This is my chosen vocation presently, and for as long as I think it necessary to do so!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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