Sunday, May 17, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 17-2009:

The University Is A Fora For Intellectual Discourse!

In recent days, some college campus students, alumni, and faculty engaged in picketing, and petitioning for and against president Barack Obama's invite and proposed Honorary Law Degree bestowal.

OBORTION was the issue that these individuals and the public at large chose, to make their voices heard vociferously.

But the general atmosphere at the Notre Dame university was twofold. Some groups believed that having a Pro-choice president speak at that university, conflicts with the Catholic values and beliefs.

While others point out that all universities are centers for free, frank, political, and moral discourses. Because that is the institution where those issues can be fully explored, discussed, and influence the socio-political discourse within the broader society at large.

However, president Obama will be speaking there as invited, regardless of whether they bestow upon him an Honorary Law Degree or not.

Muchas Gracias Mexico!

Si, Muchas Gracias Mexico for the aggressive manner in which the government there have attacked the spread of the H1Ni flu virus.

When they realized that their citizens were coming down with this virus, (origin unknown) at the time, they had those infected quarantined in their homes, and hospitals.  

They also advised for the closure of businesses that facilitates large quantities of customers in one place at a time, and advised that sick employees not report for work, but seek medical help immediately.

These and other aggressive measures taken by the state, was able to stem the tide of infections to a halt, and eventual total control.

When the WHO and other media outlets were shouting beware of a potential global pandemic on a humongous scale. 

This has never materialized.

Once again, Muchas Gracias Mexico!


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