Monday, May 18, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 18-2009:

What Difference Would Netanyahu Bring To The Peace Process?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu like his predecessors, does not truly believe that the Palestinians can govern themselves, much less have a sovereign state.

They will always fear Palestinian revenge for the atrocities Israel have inflicted upon them, plus the daily check points, joblessness, consumer goods curtailments that Israel imposes across that border, and the prevention of Palestinians from travelling at will across the border to Israel to meet with relatives.

Recently, the war between Hamas and Israel is just another one of those conflicts that will continue to happen, as long as Israel continues to arbitrarily inflict severe pain via it's military, it's border curtailments, and it's oppression of the Palestinian people..

I do not expect anything tangible to come out of this visit between Netanyahu and president Obama today, because the Israeli Prime Minister is a known Conservative in belief and politics. He may go along with the inherited Peace Process proposals, but his commitment to that process is questionable!

Only A United Palestine Can Speak For Themselves!

How could there be a REAL Peace Process for Palestine, when that region is divided Politically between HAMAS and FATAH?

How could the US and Israel decide for these people, when a section of these people's representatives are SHUT out of the discourses?

Shri Lanka's Homeland Terrorists Defeated-At What Cost!

Now that the TAMIL Tigers are defeated in Shri Lanka, one wonders if the international community will ever know the TRUE volume of civilians killed by the National Army and the Tamil Tigers.

But is was quite clear from observers, that atrocities were indulged in by both sides in this conflict. And the thousands of homeless and displaced Tamils, uprooted, lost, starving, disease vulnerable, confused, and fearful of repercussions that may follow after such insurrections are over.

It is up to the international community to ensure that UN Observers are sent in quickly, to observe the current situation on the ground, that proper and adequate medical facilities are put in place, to service these displaced people and camps.

Food distribution seem to be ongoing, and made available by the national government. But at some point, it is uncertain just how long can the national government be able to continue feeding this multitude, and ensuring their security at these displacement camps too.

Continuous monitoring of these events and situation on the ground in Shri Lanka, MUST be done by the International Community, by the UN, and other organizations, to ensure that these displaced Tamil peoples are treated fairly.

And 'Habeas Corpus' in due time, for any wrong doing during the war, and that the National Army and captured Tamil leaders, be made to account for any atrocities, by the United Nations.


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