Tuesday, May 13, 2008


May 13-2008:

Hillary Clinton's Victory Speech In West Virginia!

Let us continue with the SCAM?

For as long as our supporters fall for it.

These may be the thoughts going through Hillary Clinton and her insiders' minds.

Begging the Super Delegates to come over UN-MASSE to her camp!


Pastor Hagee apologizes for calling the Catholic Church

The Big Whore!

And Jeremiah Wright said that 'the chickens have come home to roost,' (referring to the 911 disaster) in America.

Both of these men are HYPOCRITES, who have been able to coerce numberless Americans, to their warped view of the world and the issues that matter.

It is a pity that America blames El Qaeda for promoting terrorism to dis-gruntled Moslems.

But do not blame these self-righteous Christians, for allowing Christian Demigods for doing the very same thing.


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