Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Footless Banana Grower!

May 18-2008:

The Footless Banana Grower!


Rowlands Field: St.Thomas-Caribbean Island:

Today, I saw on Caribbean television a story about a native from the island of St. Thomas. This male individual is disabled. In fact, he has no legs. Uses a wheel chair to get around the area in the townships or city.

But he also has his own 'cash crops' garden, which he tends to personally, and without any help on a daily basis. His crops are Banana plants, cassava, dasheen, green peas, etc. It was an amazing experience for me to see how he is able to reap the ripe bananas, from trees that are about six to eight feet in height.

He does this farming for his own survival, and sometimes assisted by some of his immediate neighbors, who also have gardens alongside his own.

These neighbors are sometimes amazed by his self-reliance, ability to do this work without help, and the tendency to give freely some of his crops to anyone who asks him. Sometimes without getting any monetary payment from some of these individuals.

What this individual does for a livelihood, reminded me of the Chinese proverb.

Quote: You complain because you have no shoes. But today, I met a man who had no feet.

An apt description for this wonderful soul, on the island of St. Thomas.


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