Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New York Supreme Court-Adolph Hitler-Gestapo & Storm Trooper's Ruling!

May 18-2011.

New York Supreme Court-Adolph Hitler-Gestapo & Storm Trooper's Ruling!

Shoot To Kill Anyone Who Kicks Down Your Apartment's Door Without Your Expressed Permission. You never know if his/her intention is to do you harm.

If it is the Police, TOUGH LUCK!

The New York Supreme Court has now given legal permission to the Police to kick down anyone's apartment door, if they smell marijuana smoke coming or emanating from that apartment.

Mind you, 'they only have to smell the smoke of marijuana And call out to that person to open the door, and if he/she takes 'too long, they can kick the door down, to prevent the occupant from trying to hide the evidence.

This is the rationale that the Supreme Court used to allow this invasion of people's personal privacy and space, in New York State.


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