Friday, October 09, 2009

Recognizing Barack Obama's Quest For A Nuclear Free & Peaceful World:

October 09-2009:

Recognizing Barack Obama's Quest For A Nuclear Free & Peaceful World:

President Barack H. Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize Laureate For Peace & A Nuclear Free World. The 1.4 million EU or US dollars will be donated to Charity, says the Obama Administration.

This should also reinforce the expectations of Americans for bringing our troops home.

However, voices in many quarters of the public domain, wonder and is asking, what has he achieved to warrant this noble recognition?

But the decision to award him was made based on the above title, and the committee felt that he was indeed on the right path.

And has already made a significant difference in changing the global political climate, and reconciling with allies for past misconceptions or misdeeds, that America may have wrought towards some.

Meanwhile, the US & N.A.T.O. are bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, in a conflict with no rational end in sight. Plus the continued loss of civilian and military lives growing, on a daily basis.

However, only time will tell if he is truly qualified to have received this award!


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