Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Independents Will Determine The Politics Of The Future!

September 28-2008:

The Independents Will Determine The Politics Of The Future!

Who are the Independents?

These are individuals of both genders, all ethnicity, religious beliefs, and sexual persuasion. These people are the ones that are Single Minded in thought, and are less inclined to follow traditional beliefs, actions, and expectations.

Independents are individuals that look for substance, depth, vision, and pragmatism. They do not necessarily identify with any political camp, party, or candidate. But are attracted to anyone who seem to share their expectations, beliefs, and ideas.

Independents by and large are democratic in perspective, they also abhor dictatorships, autocracy, and centralism. But understand how such systems work, and how to guard against their genesis.
How important are Independents?

Independents are very important at this juncture of American political history. This is a time when the global communication mediums are creating the platform for camaraderie, solidarity, and instant connection with each other, and fellow independent minded individuals. This medium gives the independents the means to solicit action quickly, invoke interest in any issue, and promote any agenda that helps to further independent minded individual's objectives.

Could Independents influence political outcomes?

Yes, with their single mindedness, actions, beliefs, and behavior, most traditional thinkers are unable to put them in a box, or adequately predict how they will behave at any given event or time.

Therefore, making it absolutely necessary to know what moves this crowd, so as to get their attention and support.


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