Monday, April 28, 2008

Be Careful What Corpse You Exhume!

April 28-2008:


Be Careful What Corpse You Exhume!

Whoever decided or thought that they could use Rev. Jeremiah Wright's speeches in 'Sound Bites,' to blackmail Barack Obama in the eyes of the American people.

Did not cater for the opposite re-action that is now happening nationally. It has raised the RACE question, that most Americans are un-comfortable with. Much less discussing.

So, be careful what you do, it may bring results that you may never have envisioned!


Grand Theft-A New Video Game!

The BBC aired the launching of a new video game that was created by a British firm. Soon to be launched on the international market.

This video game seem to be set in a fictional US city, with lots of car chases and law enforcement involvement, in the act of trying to apprehend bandits.

Some concern was voiced about this being harmful for children. But I maintain that lots of action movies currently, depict the macabre, violence, un-lawful behavior, murder, mayhem, and sex, in every form and fashion

But no one is able to adequately prevent minors from attaining such movies or videos via the Black Market or illegally.

So what is the Big Fuss about?

April 27-2008:

CNN's Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Broadcast Highlight!

A Change Is Going To Come:

This is in relation to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's discourses on the pulpit and on television. And also emphasized in these speeches that in the African religious tradition, the way we as African Americans speak, learn, and behave, is based on our own cultural, traditional, and background experiences.

The CNN anchor seemed more concerned with how this expose will be perceived by the political establishment. But failed to discern that Mr. Wright was teaching the viewing public the various ways different people are taught, learn, speak, communicate, and understand the real world.

So making him a scapegoat in the media, for a few snippets taken out of context from his speeches, does not make him un-patriotic, bitter, damming, or and endorsement for Barack Obama's candidacy!


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