National Security Breaches?
I still cannot see why the media and others feel that the alleged breach of the presidential candidates passports and personal information is un-usual.
Haven't they been reading of the National Security Legislation on Terrorism, which gives FBI-NSA & other security agencies PRIVY to snoop or pry, into American's private and personal files, for whatever reasons.
This is the new reality in America. Get with the program CNN.
March 20-2008:
This is a system of re-admitting military personnel who have already served their contracted sojourn within the US military.
This has been a common practice that is being used to re-enlist, former Iraq and Afghanistan military personnel. And is being used with impunity, because it is felt by the military to be a necessity.
A movie by the name 'Stop Loss' is due to show in the theaters coon!
One of the actors in this movie was a Stop Loss victim, who feels betrayed and hurt by this unfair practice!
March 18-2008:
Endemic Ethnic Divide May Have Caused The Violence In Kenya:
Senator Barack Obama's father was from Kenya. A country that was deemed by the West, as the most stable African nation currently.
Recently, this view was erased when an endemic ethnic dis-trust between two major ethnic groups, (the Kukuyoos and others), over an allegedly rigged general elections.
The circulation of the infamous pastor Wright's video came online shortly thereafter.
Is this an attempt to discredit Barack Obama's ability to lead this nation at the helm?
I am pondering this thought, and I suggest that you do too!
Senator Barack Obama On Race & Politics:
As usual Senator Barack Obama has shown the integrity that has become the signature statement of his character. He was able to put the general fears and concerns of many Americans, many of whom may have seen the video of his pastor's ramblings about America's injustices at home and abroad.
And expressing his distaste for his pastor's position of these unfair accusations that he purported in his video.
Barack Obama has also warned all Americans not to allow the media or any outlet to coerce them into believing, that he is not genuine or does not seriously portray what he professes to believe!
I sincerely hope that most Americans can see Barack Obama as a man, a presidential candidate of hope, and will always stand by his hope for national unity, truth, and consolidation.
March 16-2008:
President Kabacke & Prime Minister Odinga Of Ghana:
Here is the latest situation on the so-called coalition of political parties in Ghana:
* The ruling party of president Kabacke proposes to create a new position of Prime Minister, to facilitate the coalition. This position was offered to Mr. Odinga.
* But historically, the president was the supreme ruler of that country. And made all the political decisions for the governance of Ghana also.
With this new office of Prime Minister to Mr. Odinga, this position is seen by many as an attempt to appease Mr. Odinga and his party's followers in a so-called power sharing.
But the reality would be that President Kabacke would still use his position (as accustomed), to overrule any decisions that he feels does not represent his own interests and leadership.
The discussions and suspicion continues between these two political parties!
The Right To Bear Arms In The US:
Amendment-11 of The Constitution Of The United States says:
* A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This amendment can be interpreted to mean 'A Special or Officially sanctioned Militia Force,' to protect citizens from internal or external harm.
* It does not say, nor infers, that the CITIZENRY has the right to bear arms to protect themselves from internal or external harm!.
Let us see what the US supreme Court will rule of this amendment shortly!
The Bear Stearns Bailout-As I See It:
The Banks and other Financial institutions are the main determinants that decide how the US economy functions. (Bear Sterns Bank) a case in point!
These conglomerates fight between themselves for customers, clients, buyers, and profits.
In this turmoil, the ordinary consumer has little or no influence in the national economy.
So when these financial institutions get into financial trouble, the FEDS step in with an influx of PRINTED DOLLARS to assist them in with liquidity.
While the ordinary workers faces rising prices, un-paid mortgages, higher rents, and an un-certain future!
March 14-2008:
It Seems Like the INQUISITORS Are Here again?
Does one have to STOP speaking, associating, or communicating with someone or some friend, who does not believe in the same God as one does?
* Does not share one's political views, party, affiliations, or region?
* Does not have the same Alma-Matta, or the same educational background.
* And dis-associate, denounce, and reject someone, or some friend, that have radical views, that may be associated with me, if I am running for Public Office.
This is the Current socio-political climate here in The USA. And the political reps running for the presidency are the pawns!
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