Friday, February 22, 2008

The Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Texas Debates-2008!

February 22-2008:


The Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama Debate In Texas-2008!

This was a true debate. Much more in keeping with the nature of a debate. And is the best debate between these two candidates so far. It was civil, respectful, and each candidate stated more clearly, (especially Senator Obama), the specifics of each their proposals. The universal health care coverage was the most spirited between the two. But Senator Clinton continues to use her past performances and record in public life as the qualifying agent for the nomination.

Unlike Senator Barack Obama, who feels that he has the judgement that makes for a true and effective leader and Commander In Chief. This he explained when making the point about the decision by president George W. Bush to go to war with Iraq. And the consequences of that war, which hinged primarily upon the failure to bring it to a successful end.

At the end of the debate, Hillary made a very moving statement about their roles in this campaign, and her admiration for Senator Barack Obama's campaign and abilities!


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