Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Fear Of Iran Becoming A Nuclear Power:

September 02-2006:

The Fear Of Iran Becoming Nuclear Power:


* Now lets us put this in it's true perspective. There is no certainty at this time that Iran has the technological know how to develop an active nuclear bomb., (Remember Iraq):
* And there is no reason to assume that Iran is pursuing this nuclear course with evil intentions.
* The George W. Bush-White House administration, is currently pushing with all it's influence and posture to the UN and the world at large, for them to take the view, that Iran has questionable motives in this regard.
* Even though Iran's president publicly states that the State of Israel should be annihilated. Such pronouncements are not new in this regard, in that part of the world.

What about North Korea, Pakistan & India:

India and Pakistan also have nuclear arsenal, that they make no pretensions to show off every now and then in testing. And they cannot be made to destroy their nuclear weapons. Even though a Pakistani scientist was charged recently for selling nuclear secrets to suspected terrorists.
This has not forced the USA or the international community to forced Pakistan to reduce or allow regular or un-announced inspections of it's nuclear arsenal by IAEA inspectors.
And if General Purvez Musharef should be assassinated tomorrow, who can tell who his successor will be. And how safe the world, or that part of the world would be, from a nuclear attack?
And North Korea has shown that it would not allow the USA or the international community, to prohibit them from continuing nuclear technological development as they see fit.
So why is Iran being pushed or shoved into a corner by The UN, The USA and others in this regard?

I believe the fear of the unknown is what bugs America. This fear is infecting her allies, and those who succumb to the USA's wishes. Until substantive proof can be attained on Iran, about it's supposed nuclear abilities, prudence should be observed.
And engaging Iran is dialogue, should be a continuous priority by all parties concerned.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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