Thursday, September 28, 2006

Human Kidneys & Livers Can Be Bought In China!

September 27-2006:

China's Exportation & Sale Of Kidneys & Livers!

Some months ago, I circulated an article that I wrote, based on a BBC news report on the same topic above mentioned. This was very troubling for me at that time, and the international political community seem not to care or even mention this practice in China.
Today, on television, this same human rights issue was mentioned. But this time, it was an undercover White male who took us in one of the hospitals in China, (with a hidden camera and recorder) to film his interviews personally. One doctor said to this reporter that he could acquire a kidney for his (fictitious uncle), within two weeks.
When the reporter asked if these body parts are from prisoners who were executed by the state, he openly admitted YES! Incidentally, China is the only country in the entire world that executes more criminals than all countries in totality. Human life in China is dispensable. That was, and still is a national fact. China's population is in the billions, and disposing a few hundreds here and there, is just a drop in the bucket. Which may help ease the food shortage, and population explosion, (especially for the very poor).
The Chinese authorities claim not to be aware of these organ selling practices. But that claim does not hold water, because the Chinese government knows, sees, and monitors all organizations, (private and public) throughout the State Of China. And in order for any hospital institution to acquire a condemned criminal's organs, the authorities must be notified, and permission given.
Also when China is about to execute any criminal, there is very little or no question posed to such criminals, for the donation of their organs. One criminal's father was also interviewed by the undercover reporter. And he claimed that he was not allowed to see his son after he was arrested, nor attend the execution.
China also cremates all of it's executed criminals, thus making it almost impossible to acquire forensics about cause of death. Much less find out if any body part was removed. I also saw in one of these hospitals foreigners (mostly Whites), who were waiting in one of the hospital lobbies to seek the purchase of much needed organs.
These organs are sold for thousands of British pounds. And only the rich may be able to fly to China to acquire same.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Iran's President-Ahmadinejad's Speech At The UN-2006:

September 19-2006:

Iran's President-Ahmadinejad's Speech At The UN-2006:

Basically, he accused the nuclear powers currently, of allowing some among them to continue the proliferation of nuclear weapons. And denying those non-nuclear nations from acquiring any such technology.

He also pointed out the domination of one powerful nation in The Security Council's decisions. At the expense of the rest of the council.

Special reference was made of the support of Israel's action in Lebanon, the destruction of the Southern provinces infrastructure, and the killing of thousands of it's citizens. While the UN looked on helplessly, until Israel had it's way with murdering innocent civilians.

He also stressed that in a world of nations, without justice, peace, and the ability to pursue self determination. The seeds of discontent, fear, aggression, and mistrust will be sown.

However, the conspicuous absence of the US and Israeli representatives at this speech, must be made known here!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, September 18, 2006

American's Obsession With Food!

September 18-2006:

American's Obsession with Food!

While the poor and developing countries struggle with the need to provide adequate food for it's people. Americans seem to crave or over indulge in eating more and more food every day.

Yes, this craving is primarily supported by the media's promotion of food, cooking of food, talk shows that promote food commercials, game shows that provide food hampers, and the ever present inducement, of new and more types of mouth watering snacks and foods.

Obesity & Poor Nutrition:

Poor nutrition is a major factor that causes the development of obesity, and poor health. Most working class low income level wage earners, are unable to maintain proper nutrition within their families. Most are not oriented to pay strict attention to a proper nutritional diet. And those who are, cannot afford to do so on their meager wages/income.

But this flaw is no only indicative of low income households. It is the general feature of American society. A society that craves food, like they crave oil for the motor vehicles they love, and the industrial infrastructure of the general economy.


Until the educational curriculum in all schools, stresses that proper nutrition is the key to survival, good health, longevity, and a more active life style. People of all ages, social strata, and economic abilities, will continue to indulge their relentless appetites for food!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, September 15, 2006

What Does Accountability Mean?

September 15-2006:

What Does Accountability Mean?


* Responsibility to someone or for some activity:

Keeping the above definition in mind, please indulge me in a discourse that should take us to the point where we will understand our individual responsibilities, and accountability.

It is our parent/s responsibility to care, protect, educate, feed, clothes and house their offspring, from childbirth, until they are equipped with the ability to take care of basic personal needs. In some cultures that responsibility commences at the tender age of 13. In other cultures it may be 16-17-18 or 21 years of age.

Children are supposed to understand their role and responsibilities in the family, the community at large, and the state in which they live or call their home. In modern, developing and developed societies, this duty is exercised in the form of politicking, voting, demonstrating, agitating, and dissent. The commonweal is expected to hold their leaders accountable for any action/s that contravene the laws, the general rules of conduct, the credibility of the position they occupy, and the role/s they play for those who aspire to that position/s, and to the younger people of that culture.

For example, here in the USA, the political representatives in Congress, the Senate, and the White House, are accountable to the American people, regardless of who voted or did not vote at elections. Whatever actions, laws, or decisions taken in Congress, The Senate, or The White House, affects all Americans directly or indirectly, in their everyday lives.

Those elected representatives who are appointed as Ambassadors to foreign countries, is an extension of ourselves in those countries. And they too are responsible indirectly to the American people, via the President who would have appointed them as ambassadors.

So telling yourself that 'I am not responsible' for what American soldiers, Ambassadors, Elected officials, or The President does abroad, is shirking our responsibility as citizens, or just plain ignorant of our civic duties.

Every citizen of every country is expected to be concerned with the manner in which the country is administered, and by whom. It is also their responsibility to agitate for the right to decide who administers that country, how it is managed, and who they elected or chosen representatives should be. It is also the duty of every citizen to vote, or agitate for some form of election process, to determine how, when, where, and how this process is conducted.

It is also the responsibility of all citizens to have access to their elected officials. To ensure that there is a process in place for lobbying, on issues that they (the constituents) feel, ought to be given particular attention by their elected representatives.

And finally, it is the duty of all citizens to participate in the electoral process, by registering to vote, encouraging others to register and vote. And to remove via the ballot, any representative/s whom they feel does not address adequately, or seem to have abandoned their responsibilities to the electorate.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Fear Of Iran Becoming A Nuclear Power:

September 02-2006:

The Fear Of Iran Becoming Nuclear Power:


* Now lets us put this in it's true perspective. There is no certainty at this time that Iran has the technological know how to develop an active nuclear bomb., (Remember Iraq):
* And there is no reason to assume that Iran is pursuing this nuclear course with evil intentions.
* The George W. Bush-White House administration, is currently pushing with all it's influence and posture to the UN and the world at large, for them to take the view, that Iran has questionable motives in this regard.
* Even though Iran's president publicly states that the State of Israel should be annihilated. Such pronouncements are not new in this regard, in that part of the world.

What about North Korea, Pakistan & India:

India and Pakistan also have nuclear arsenal, that they make no pretensions to show off every now and then in testing. And they cannot be made to destroy their nuclear weapons. Even though a Pakistani scientist was charged recently for selling nuclear secrets to suspected terrorists.
This has not forced the USA or the international community to forced Pakistan to reduce or allow regular or un-announced inspections of it's nuclear arsenal by IAEA inspectors.
And if General Purvez Musharef should be assassinated tomorrow, who can tell who his successor will be. And how safe the world, or that part of the world would be, from a nuclear attack?
And North Korea has shown that it would not allow the USA or the international community, to prohibit them from continuing nuclear technological development as they see fit.
So why is Iran being pushed or shoved into a corner by The UN, The USA and others in this regard?

I believe the fear of the unknown is what bugs America. This fear is infecting her allies, and those who succumb to the USA's wishes. Until substantive proof can be attained on Iran, about it's supposed nuclear abilities, prudence should be observed.
And engaging Iran is dialogue, should be a continuous priority by all parties concerned.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.