Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Where Would The New Black Leadership Come From?

With the demise of our Baby Boomer's Black Leadership,
where will the new Black leadership come from?

Yes, we are witnessing the demise of a generation of stalwarts currently, that says in no un-certain terms, that a new breed of cadres must be prepared to take up the mantle.

The Baby Boom advocates will have to take up the slack that is now available, and lead in a different direction, hitherto only dreamed of.
Post September 11-2001, has created a new national paranoia. Internet & telephone snooping upon American citizens, made legal by a conservative Federal administration, and Senate. This new political reality has induced fears within the commonweal, hitherto un-heard of.

We are told that the "Big Bad Wolf " is at our doorstep, waiting to pounce upon us when we open the door. And this fallacy, has created suspicion for anything foreign, including people.

What the new Black leadership has to contemplate on now, is to get Black & Latin Americans to realize that we are the political, and economic minorities in this country. And that any issue/s that affect one group, affects the other group, directly or in-directly. We can no longer cling to our historic Democratic leadership.

We have been conned for too long!

Now is the time to look at the issues, and for whom it will benefit the most. And most of all, investigate any candidate who uses his/her platform to target Blacks & Latinos, in order to get an advantsge at the polls, but is not seriously interested in our concerns and issues.

Om Shanti.

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