Friday, April 27, 2007

OBESITY & The Social Stigma It Attracts!

April 26-2007:

Obesity & The Social Ridicule It Attracts!

Tonight on, I witnessed a documentary about the social stigma that surrounds obesity within our society. And the in-surmountable efforts that most obese persons have to overcome in order to control, maintain or keep off the extra pounds from developing within their bodies.

I also learned that if you were obese as a child, and continued to be obese into adulthood. Removing the extra weight off at that stage in your life is almost impossible. Because psychologically, your brain and mentality have become accustomed to dealing with a plump or fat child. So asking it to re-adjust in adulthood to not telling you to keep that weight on, is almost impossible for the brain to reconcile.

I also learned that most people who take weight loss programs such as rigorous exercise at the GYM, or physical fitness of every sort, will eventually lose some weight. But will be unable to keep it off indefinitely, regardless of how discipline they are or try to be, with their individual nutrition or diet.

And contemplating surgery is also an option for the severely obese to remember, when all other options have failed. Even though this option has its' risks. But with the advice from a knowledgeable physician who has been seeing you on a regular basis, and is familiar with your family and genetic history, his or her guidance in this regard, ought to give you some hope, or alleviate some of the fears that precedes the decision to take this operation.

Why Is Obesity So Repulsive To So Many People?

We live in a society that relishes or reveres slimness, or the slim body. Our Hollywood actors or stars are mostly very slim or athletic in physique. Our fashion magazines, models, and entertainment personalities all emulate this mode of physical appearance.

And slimness have become the national ideal or preferred type of body that is considered sexy, appealing, and mainstream. Even though a very large percentage of Americans or people living in The USA are obese or over weight. If you ask any obese or fat person to tell you how often they encounter ridicule about their weight. Most will say on a daily basis.

They either hear comments about it verbally, or personally told to their faces that they should lose weight, or that they are ridiculously fat.
And this can be very hurtful to the person being told this. And may cause most of them to feel inferior, not accepted, unable to marry, have children, or a lover.


* Some solutions I feel will help obese people (adults and children alike), is to get involved in programs that facilitate discussion or give nutritional advice, and how the family could help remedy some of these problems.

* With proper nutritional guidance, help in understanding the mental and psychological state of obesity, and its' affect on different individuals.

* And how obesity is an individual malady, that must be dealt with individually.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Egyptian Mythology-The Book Of The Dead:

April 25-2007:

Egyptian Mythology-The Book Of The Dead!

Do you know that in the Book Of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian scroll accompanies the Pharaoh and noblemen in their coffins, to assist the spirits of those dead souls to meander their way towards the Egyptian Supreme God 'RAH.'

These trials in the underworld are enormous, according to the Book Of the Dead. Some trails indicate the following procedures.

There are several tests mentioned in the Book Of the Dead that said, the soul had to answer many questions, if it answered correctly, the soul would proceed further to the destination of reaching Rah ( The Sun God).
However, those who failed, would be thrown into the hell fires and never return to occupy another body in the future.

For example, here are two such scenarios.

* The soul on it's journey in the underworld would encounter a fierce monster that looked like a HUGE crocodile. This monster is called "The Breaker Of Bones." If the soul answered the question put to it correctly, hit would be allowed to go on further. If it failed to answer the question correctly, it would be swallowed up by this monster.

* Then there is another creature that would be encountered in the underworld, that was referred to as "The Swallower Of Spirits." If the soul failed to answer this creature's question correctly, the soul would be swallowed up by this creature.


* How on earth could a soul's bones be broken? Souls are invisible, intangible, and does not have a physical body, as we understand it, in our physical environment. So how could that soul's bones be broken?

* Secondly, how could a soul be swallowed by another? That possibly would imply, that a soul have physical desires, and is able to do what physical beings can do. So that scenario is also ridiculous.

These are just two of the preposterous concepts in Egyptian mythology, that was believed, and practiced for centuries. Long before Christianity, Islam, and most of the religious philosophies were conceived of.

And this kind of Egyptian thinking and belief, was the criteria that held that civilization together for centuries, that allowed for the creation of Pyramids, Agriculture, Egyptian Art, Mummifying of the dead, and the Rule over many nations and peoples, long before the Greeks came into prominence, the Romans, the Persians, and Arabia was ever civilized.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Older Gay & Homosexual Men-Shoud Be Nurturers-Not Exploiters:

April 22-2007:

Older Gay & Homosexual Men Should Be NURTURERS-Not EXPLOITERS!

I recall as a younger Homosexual male in Guyana, most older Openly Gay Homosexual men were the ones who allowed us Younger Gay and Homosexual men into their homes for parties. Arranged partners (most of the times), at these parties, and was the venue for which most young or adolescent Gay and openly Gay men met, made friends, buddies, partners and lovers alike.
Yes, it was the Older Gay men who told us how to be careful with our lives, our sexual partners, our health, and our CHOICES in men too.
It was the older openly Gay men, who was able to afford apartments, or had their own homes for us to meet, have conversations about Gay life and life-styles, debate what was happening to some of us who were careless with out social, sexual, and other behaviors in the neighborhood.
It was mostly the Older Gay men who accompanied us to concerts, the theaters, and the bars to socialize, or drink.

There were some Older Gay men who exploited some of us for sex. And these were very few. And when we knew about any blatant exploitation, those of us who felt responsible enough to the community, told others about them, and cautioned us to be careful when dealing with such 'PERSONS."
These Older Gay men felt it was their responsibility to help us chart our lives as carefully as possible, so long as we gave them permission to do so! And I shall never forget those whom I had the privilege, of getting such irreplaceable mentoring, counseling, and advice, for as long as I live.
These experiences happened to me in the sixties mostly. Back then, I was an adolescent, full of life, raging hormones, and felt that the world was mine to conquer, and that the Gay life was the most beautiful thing that I had encountered. The Stonewall Gay-Drag Queens' riots, was something I never knew about until my advent to the USA in 1989.
All we had back then was the fear of social ridicule, stigma, verbal, and sometimes physical abuse from parents, siblings, and strangers alike. Those were our experiences back then, and still is, to a certain extent today within the Caribbean, Latin American & Central American countries.
However, Gay and Homosexual men here in the USA have had similar or different experiences, but at least they have been able to get laws enacted to protect our Civil and Human Rights. Legislation is still pending in most states to allow for Marriage/Civil unions legally. While in others, these legislation have already been made legal. The political climate is almost favorable to Gay and Homosexual life here in the USA, except for a few states that still cling to their prejudices. And some Religious, and Social/Civic groups that feel it is their divine right to castigate Gays, Lesbians, Tansgender, and Bisexuals within this society.
But overall, Gays, Lesbians, Tansgender, and Bisexuals have a relatively peaceful co-existence within the mainstream of American society.
In certain Asiatic and Moslem countries, it still is the responsibility of Older Homosexual men (mostly undercover), to protect, advise, nurture, and even exploit Gay or Homosexuals there. Because of the extended family system, endemic to those cultures for centuries.
And any political actions for Civil, Human or other rights that Gays or Homosexuals need to Address, must be done very quietly, covertly, or with less public fanfare. For fear of Police brutality, Social castigation, Imprisonment, Beheading, or Death.

I ache with disgust whenever I see Older and not so young openly Gay men verbally abuse younger Gay men, because of their openness, freedom, expressions, and sexual promiscuousness. Some of these Older Gay men have forgotten, or pretend to have forgotten when they were much younger, in demand, in shape, and vociferous too.
Yet they seem to feel that the Younger Openly Gay men (by and large), have it too good. Are not tolerant of them. And is ungrateful for all that the older Gays have fought and died for in the past. So that these freedoms that they the young, seem to take for granted would be here for posterity.
I also despise those older Gay men who are bitter because they are un-happy with their current situation. Lack of a meaningful relationships, Lack of Love, or even Companionship. And I believe it stems from a Careless, Carefree, and Reckless past, that has come back to haunt so many of us Gay or Homosexual men, as we get older in age.
Sometimes we forget the cosmic or spiritual law that binds all humans.
Some call it KARMA, and it simply means the following:
* Whatever action or actions we do now, have their concomitant re-actions later.
* And everyone has to pay for his or her doings in this life, sooner or later. This is called KARMIC LAW:
So let as Older and Younger Gay and Homosexual men make a difference within our individual lives TODAY. For it is never too late to reform our minds, actions, attitudes, beliefs, impressions, and our souls!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What Is TRUE Democracy?

April 19-2007:

What Is TRUE Democracy?

Democracy is a PROCESS of understanding, tolerance, acceptance of diversity, the right to Free Speech, Writing, Learning, new ideas, and Dissension. All of these elements are inherent in TRUE democracy.

When the populace is not allowed to question authority, religious views or religion, Laws that oppress them, Regulations that impose partisan or prejudicial behaviors or actions against those it disproves of, hates, or feels does not belong to the mainstream.

Then that society is not practicing "DEMOCRACY."

So for those of us who understand what democracy espouses, has the responsibility to speak up, speak often, and speak whenever these values are prevented from flourishing, or from being practiced, or implemented, in any culture that is prepared to embrace it, has started to embrace, or is trying to make it work.

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Terrorist At The University Of Virginia Tech!

April 16-2007:

University Of Virginia Tech-Campus Killings!

Thirty students killed, and two out of twenty-nine others that were injured by the shooter died subsequently, by a gunman at The University Of Virginia Tech today.

It seems like shortly after the first shooting took place, the campus security and local Police was able to surround the alleged building where the shooting was happening, and everything went quiet. The gunman was not yet identified. So the quiet that followed the quarantine by the campus security personnel, gave the impression to everyone that the gunman or gunmen had left the building or campus already.

But half an hour later they heard shots in another building on the said campus, which surprised everyone, and was now seen as possibly another gunman, or the same gunman killing people, and was still at large. So off the security went to investigate those shooting sounds in the other building, only to find dead people lying around in the dormitory there. And the suspect gunman had already committed suicide himself, and was among the dead there.

All of these shootings happened in a matter of minutes, with about thirty minutes grace period in between them. Any emergency alert will only reach successfully those already in the campus dorms, or living quarters. But those en-route to the campus may not be aware on any emergency right away. Especially if they are not listening to the radio while driving there, or at home listening to the radio or television news at the time any such incident is occurring.

No open university campus could ever create a bona-fide security perimeter, in a situation where thousands of students live off campus, and commutes back in, on a daily basis for classes.

However, the investigation is still in progress by the authorities at this time. It is still to be determined whether the gunman or gunmen were students of that university!


As at April 17-2007, the alledged killer was identified as Cho Seung Hui, a senior student from South Korean parentage. This suspect is believed to have been a loner, who kept to himself most of the time. This was uncovered from interviews taken from persons who knew him from his high school days.

How Could This Have Happened:

Incidences like this are indicative of a trend here in the USA, where young college students have indulged in mass killing of fellow students at several colleges in the past. One wonders if the media's promotion of violent films, movies, and online videos that promote violence as a form of visual stimulation to millions of viewers.

Or the heavy handed Poilice action which can be perceived as barbaric, when trying to arrest or enforce Law & Order in this country. Or the seeming complacency of Americans generally, whenever anyone is killed that is not a member of their family, or does not affect them personally.
Whatever it is, the ROOTS lie deep right here in the American culture.

And most people allow it to fester willingly, un-knowingly, un-consciously, or just feel they have no control or influence in preventing such acts of violence generally!


April 18-2007:

The Student Terrorist At The University Of Virginia Tech!


The Virginia University killer is now seen in a new light. CNBC has obtained a mailed package that reveals some graphic pictures of him, posing like a terrorist in front of his camera, brandishing two guns in his hands, and blaming others for his intended actions.

Should this be an underlying concern for university authorities about potential terrorists within their midst, masquerading as students, but has some hidden agenda, political, social,religious, or institutional.
Whatever totally unfolds from this mailed package, is yet to be fully revealed to the public via the media.

However, I feel that this killer may be an element that is rising or brewing SILENTLY within our institutions of Higher Learning.


Friday, April 13, 2007

IMUS'S Radio Personality Snafu!

April 13-2007:

IMUS'S Radio Snafu:

Imus was unfortunate to be the one who took the heat for an endemic cultural reality in America. And that is ethnic and racist stereotyping and bashing.

The media was always used as the principal medium for some folks to give voice to their own personal prejudices. Be it political, religious, or ethnic.

The entertainment industry is a case in point. Most of the current Rappers seem to feel that they have 'carte-blanche' rights to belittle women, homosexuals, and fellow ghetto folks, because some of them have been able to acquire the physical things ascribed to 'success or accomplishments' in this society.

The frequent comparison they make about their ability to own things like jewelry, designer clothing, and other material things deemed necessary for any successful American, especially one whose background was from the inner city ghettoes, is the primary focus of their songs and videos too.

Even the Comic entertainers poke fun at certain elements especially women within our society in their shows. Sometimes without the slightest concern for blackmail, or social stigmatization. And this have been the trend for as long as I can recall!

So this current snafu of Imus, is nothing new, but was used by some of those who saw a 'softer target' for expressing a certain political agenda, disguised as genuine concern for decent social morals and values.


Sunday, April 08, 2007


April 08-2007:

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

For those Caribbean Christian peoples, today (SUNDAY) is the day Jesus rose from the dead, and the Eve of the ascension into Heaven, of the Christian messiah Jesus.

And tomorrow Monday, is the day he allegedly ascended into the Heavens!
On this day, in most or all Caribbean countries, we fly kites to symbolically commemorate this ascension. And Oh Boy, we really have a great day celebrating. It is a day when thousands congregate in large open Tree free spaces, promenades, and playing fields, hoping that high winds will be there to assist us all in raising and keeping our multi-colored and multi-styled kites aloft.

Sometimes competitions take place between individuals to see whose kite will ascend the highest. And not to mention the various eatables and food baskets that families take to these places to have a picnic, with friends, neighbors, and anyone willing to be a part of this holiday festivity.

I miss this festivity very much now that I reside in the USA, because back in my homeland Guyana, even if I did not fly a kite. I would just visit the Sea Wall plateau where most people go to fly their kites, in order to get the strongest winds there. And just enjoy the sun, the bevy of beauties, the music that people take with them. And feel like a child once again!

Happy Easter Everyone!


Friday, April 06, 2007


April 06-2007:

The British Marines & Sailors Speak out Today!


The released British Marines and sailors reported on TV today on BBC.
The following contradictions were observed by me:

* These British marines READ from a prepared document, and did not speak SPONTANEOUSLY to be more convincing!

* They said they were Blindfolded, Bounded with hands behind their backs, and heard the 'cocking' of Iraqi weapons in the environment, which was used to intimidate them. (This sounds feasible enough)!

* The female soldier among them was separated from them for FOUR days, and was told the others were released, as a form of intimidation.

(This is believable, because she is female, and thought to be weaker. And besides in Iran, females are not allowed to sit side by side with their male counterparts).

* Furthermore, these marines and sailors looked very pleasant, sometimes even smiling while eating, and during their appearance on Television too?

* But this pleasantness shown by these marines and sailors on camera, somehow contradicts the view, that they were under STRINGENT DURESS.

* So to willingly smile on camera during this public display, conveys a pleasant environment, without prior or forced coercion to do so!


What we were hearing from the British and the Iran authorities seems to convey, the deliberate attempt to mis-inform its' viewers about the factual nature of that scenario.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Religious Views On SEX & SEXUALITY!

April 05-2007:

Religious Views On SEX & SEXUALITY:

Most religious organizations subscribe to the view that SEX between two people of the opposite gender, is approved by their GOD or ALLAH. As long as the two individuals are married, socially accepted as man and wife, and sanctioned by the Church, Synagogue, Masjids, or Temple.

* But who is qualified or authorized to determine one's sexual preferences, sexual desires, sexual stimulants, and needs?

* And who has the authority to determine what is best for an individual, or two individuals in marriage sexually, in terms of what is the CORRECT or PROPER manner of sexual intercourse?

* And who can adequately determine what is best form, posture, position, or mode of sexual intercourse?

* And who has the right or authority to tell another that he or she MUST not indulge in sexual activities with the same gender?


As far as I can recall, most religious authorities will say GOD or ALLAH to most of the above. But God or Allah never told me how to have sex, or what kind of sex I should indulge in, or what position sexually is favorable in his/her sight!

And as far as I have read, Jesus never made such statements either!

So why should the Church, Mosque, Masjids, Synagogue, Preachers, Immams, Pastors, Priests, or Nuns, tell me that what I do sexually is wrong or right in God's sight?

Therefore, I decided long ago to go along with my feelings, desires, and needs sexually.

And DAM anyone who think otherwise!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


April 04-2007:

Happy 79Th Birthday Maya Angelou!

Renown Black American poetess Maya Angelou has attained her 79th birthday today. And may she experience many more birthdays in the future.

I have always been an admirer of Maya's poetry, and other writings on the Afro-American historical experiences. I have not yet read any other poet's work that comes close to the profundity that her writings have portrayed, about the experiences in this Diaspora. And whenever I see her giving an interview on television, or speaking at one of her book signing.

It brings tears to my eyes!

Tears of joy, gratitude, admiration, and love, for this very special and enlightened daughter of an African American. Who with profound humility tells her story with the honesty, love, beauty, and integrity, befitting an historian of great merit.

I humbly wish Maya Angelou radiant health, longevity, and the continued resolve to keep our ancestral memories always relevant, to our changing times and experiences, in this evolving American experience.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


April 04-2007:


The fifteen British marines and sailors were given amnesty from the Iranian government today.

President Ahmadinejad said on television today, that he was sorry the British government was not brave enough to admit that they violated Iranian territorial waters.

However, whatever deal/s were reached to allow for this release, we are not privy to, or may never be privy to.

As for the British arrogance and lack of humility.

That is also indicative of the British character!


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

When The US & Coalition Forces Leave Iraq-This Is What Will Happen!

April 03-2007:

When The US & Coalition Forces Leave Iraq-This Is What Will Happen!

All societies hitherto went through some form of internal turmoil. Call it Civil War, Civil Insurrection, or Revolution. But they eventually became stabilized, united under one flag, one constitution, and with a national regard for the Rule Of Law.

Iraq currently is experiencing a Civil War. It has moved from a former sectarian strife, to a national Civil War. That is the reality today in that country. Within this situation, several groups emerged venting their individual vendettas or pogroms, on those whom they feel threatened by, or feel must be humiliated, or marginalized.
Then there is the outside element called Al Qaeda, that promotes international terrorism against the western powers and nations, for spreading its' democratic ideology within the Islamic world.

The USA and her allies have spent millions or billions, in order to bring about some form of Democratic political administration in that nation. This was eventually established with the new government consisting of several ethnic and political groups represented therein. However, the National Army, Police Force, and other Internal Security agencies are still to get fully organized as one unit, responsible to one central command.
And with the inability to recruit loyals, all ethnic groups, regardless of their religious beliefs, and prevent in this effort, the vendettas that are being done against each other (Shia & Sunni) elements, continue!
This must be the responsibility of the Iraqi government and its' internal security agencies. So far, this process has been slow, and not very promising. With the current mandate from the US congress to the Iraq people and government to get their house in order soon. Or else the US will begin pulling out their troops very shortly.
This position by the Congress has mixed feelings among Americans and Iraqi's alike. But our position is quite clear. Improve fast, or we will be leaving very soon.

So what happens when most of our troops pull out of Iraq?

The essential services like our Embassy, The Green Zone Housing and Military encampment will still have to be protected, and financed. And our building contractors in the restoration process there would still need to be funded. These responsibilities, I understand will continue to be financed and supported by the congress.

As for peace, instability, and continuous sectarian strife:
This is likely to continue, but will not last forever. Because history has shown us that when warring factions overtime, realize that there is no conceivable end or victory for either side in sight. Then efforts will be made to count the losses, reconcile differences, and work together for a negotiable peace.
This has happened after the American revolution, the Korean war, The Vietnam war, and so many foreign internal conflicts, after lengthy internal strife.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, April 02, 2007


April 02-2007:


Foreign Secretary-Nancy Polosi:

Why would the Speaker of The House Chose to Conduct Foreign Policy?

The new speaker of the US congress, Nancy Polosi has chosen to visit Syria to speak for and on behalf of Israel on the Palestinian situation.

* Since when does the speaker of the US congress conduct US foreign policy?

* And why has she chosen to do so when the democrats are trying to gain the national support of all Americans on our Foreign Policy, and the conducting of the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan?

I fear that this type of personal interference in an area that is not within her purview, is in direct violation of the role of the presidency, and the executive branch, regardless of who occupies that office officially.

I cannot wait to see what results from that visit to Syria!



April 02-2007:


Foreign Secretary-Nancy Polosi:

Why would the Speaker of The House Chose to Conduct Foreign Policy?

The new speaker of the US congress, Nancy Polosi has chosen to visit Syria to speak for and on behalf of Israel on the Palestinian situation.

* Since when does the speaker of the US congress conduct US foreign policy?

* And why has she chosen to do so when the democrats are trying to gain the national support of all Americans on our Foreign Policy, and the conducting of the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan?

I fear that this type of personal interference in an area that is not within her purview, is in direct violation of the role of the presidency, and the executive branch, regardless of who occupies that office officially.

I cannot wait to see what results from that visit to Syria!




Congress is weighing a funding request to design anew and improved nuclear warheads for the U.S. Supporters say a new warheads would be more easily maintained, provide additional assurances of security and reliability and allow for a reduction in the number of warheads that will have to be kept in reserve. Opponents say building a new warhead, even if only a replacement, sends the wrong message to the world and could make all the more difficult the resolution of the nuclear problems with Iran and North Korea.

Tell Congress and the President what you think.

I support new and improved nuclear warheads for the U.S.

I oppose new and improved nuclear warheads for the U.S.

How To Compose Your Message:

Message Recipients:
President George W. Bush
Your U.S. Senators
Your U.S. House Representative
Delivery Method:
Printed Letter

April 02-2007:
I oppose new and improved nuclear warheads for the U.S.

Currently, the US has a very large stockpile of nuclear warheads. Too much for a country that is telling the rest of the world to stop seeking the acquisition of nuclear technology or arms. And currently is pressing Iran and North Korea to comply with the international ban of nuclear warheads.

So how on earth could the congress be contemplating more, or an improved type or types of nuclear warheads to include in its' arsenal. Under the guise that this new type of warhead will be much better at killing fellow humans, and a better and more efficient deterrent.

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